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Love...hehe love was nothing to her nothing trust it wasn't a thing...that's how she died.



This place was nothing to me we all just sat here waiting to get eaten that how I died I let her take me...FUCK YOU MOTHER


No one helped me they just let it happen seeing me die seeing mother hold a kitchen knife in her hand.

Emma tried helping me ray screaming at mother to stop Norman...HAH He didn't give two shits about me.....


Mother throw me on the ground holding a kitchen knife stabbing me three times I laid there letting it happen at least I wasn't dying to the demons blood stains my outfit blood pouring out under me...

Emma grabbing me and holding me close to her my eyes blank all I hear is ray screaming at mother "e-emma escape n-never c-come back h-h-here the-the de-" I say to her losing my voice going limp in her arms............ little did they know I never die thanks to mother and her stupidity giving me medicine.


I sit at the top of the wall feeling the breeze go around my bandages having a eye patch because of my eye being blood shot red.

I get knocked down seeing the green grass hitting my head on a tree.

"Y-y/n is that y-you" Emma says terrified I look at her getting teared up.


schizøphrenic that's what I am nothing will help me expect for sitting in a room making people up apparently but they are real.


Expect for the people who are trying to help me.

シ︎𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜シ︎Where stories live. Discover now