"True," Patricia says, with a nod, then looks around the table. "Speaking of large families, don't you have a few boys missing?" She asks, looking at all of us. Quinn is missing from this lovely dinner because he's been gone all weekend. He is supposed to be here, but failed to call or text our parents.

And Joey is at Bella's for the night. 

Daniel, of course is all the way in Toronto.

"Ah, well I couldn't keep Quinn here. Joey went to his friends house." Mom shrugs her shoulders, looking over at Dad, no doubt silently asking for help. I can tell they're getting worried about Quinn, but they want to trust him enough to call.

"So, Emma, how is your school year going?" Patricia asks, her eyes wandering over to me.

"Good as can be, I guess." I am hoping Whitney doesn't tell her about the fight that happened on Friday night.

Patricia nods her head, all eyes are on me. I start to wonder if she is going to pick me apart or just let the answer go.

"I can only imagine what it must be like to go through the changes your family has gone through." I stare down at my plate, closing my eyes. She just had to bring the subject up. "Tyler was a good boy."

"Yes, he was. We miss him dearly." Dad finally speaks up, clearing his throat. "Can I get you more coffee?" He offers, and I know it's to change the subject. Thankfully, it works. Patricia hands him her cup and continues.

"Are you in any programs at school that go through the University? Whitney is taking three university preparatory classes to help her get in," Patricia says, with a smug smile. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Instead I glance at Whitney. Her face is beet red, looking like she wants to shove her fork in her own eye. I would be happy to help her. 

"No. I don't think I want that much course work along with my normal classes." I say, my eyes still on Whitney. "Whitney must be extraordinary smart." I mean it in a good way, but also a double meaning because she can't be too smart by the friends she hangs out with.

"Oh, very much so. She has such great friends that support her too." Patricia smiles, tapping her hand on Whitney's. Whitney looks like she wants to throw up.

Whitney finally glances up at me, her eyes full of sadness. Patricia moves on about talking about how she plans for Whitney to go to law school, and she asks Logan, Jude, and Owen about how their schooling is going. Of course she makes the comment that being a mechanic won't get you far in life, which makes Dad's go red faced. He says that his job got him an amazing woman and a beautiful family.

"Right. And that woman you married can't even pick matching decorations." Patricia laughs, sounding so obnoxious. I wait for Greg to speak up, maybe even to tell him wife to shut the hell up, but he just sits there, quietly eating.

"May I use your bathroom?" Whitney speaks up, jumping from her chair. My Mom smiles and nods.

"Emma, why don't you show her the bathroom up stairs." I gratefully take the opportunity to escape and get away from the monster of a guest. I lead Whitney up the stairs, and point her in the direction of the bathroom.

While she goes in, I wait for her outside. I admit, I'm scared to leave her alone in the house, not sure of what she might do. Eventually, I head to by bedroom, tired of waiting and sit on my bed.

It's dark now, the stars shining. I wonder where Quinn is, if he is alright.

"I'm sorry about my Mom." I snap my head towards my door and see Whitney there, staring down at the floor. "She can be really obnoxious and selfish." I stare at her, wondering why she is even talking to me. I decide not to blame her for her mothers actions.

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