"Ah, Lobo," Malcor said to the mighty warrior. "If your reputation is as legendary as yourself, you'll make short work of the Power Rangers."

"Of course," Lobo answered coolly. "My venom will stop them dead in their tracks, and no one will be able to protect the Earth from your invasion."

(I have no idea of an actor for Aaron, but he says his name with his helmet between Noah and Emma, then it shows him riding his skateboard while punching Loogies. Whatever actor you can think of that matches Aaron's description, that's who plays him to you.)

As school ended, Aaron saw Emma at her locker, gathering her stuff like the end of every normal day. Taking a deep breath, Aaron pulled out a mirror to check his teeth, threw some mints in his mouth and exhaled.

'I got this,' he thought. Gripping his backpack straps, he started walking toward Emma, but then some other boy walked up to her.

"Hey Emma," the boy, Jason, said. Jason was a cool kid from Mr. Burley's class, but he was perfect in every way; star quarterback for the football team, dazzling teeth, and great hair. "The prom is this Saturday, and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me." Aaron didn't hear the rest of the conversation, for he hung his head and walked away. As he walked away, his morpher chimed.

"Yeah?" he asked with half energy.

"Rangers!" Tensou said, his voice sounding frantic. "There's an alien attack in the city! Right next to your school!"

"Okay," Aaron said, forgetting about Emma for a second. "I don't know where the others are. Probably getting dates for the prom, but I'm here! I'll handle it." Hiding his morpher again, Aaron ran out of the school and skated toward the monster attack. In the center of town, Lobo was frightening people as he laughed.

"Very good," he said. "Show me your fear. I can smell it." He then howled like a wolf as the spider face on his chest shot out a spider web tying the people together. As he continued to capture people, Aaron hid behind a building and saw this.

"He seems older than past monsters we fought," Aaron said. "And with the guys and girls getting dates, I can handle him. I have to." He then pulled out his morpher. "It's morphin time!" Placing his power card inside the open mouth, he said the three words he always said before morphing. "Go go Megaforce!" Closing the mouth and activating his card, Aaron morphed. "Megaforce Green!" Lobo then took a looming step towards the frightened citizens.

"You have nothing to fear," he said in his oily voice. "You are just bait. I wish to draw out the Power Rangers here. You won't be harmed, but I will need more screams -" The alien was cut off by a laser blasting him in the shoulder. Turning around, he saw Aaron standing there, pointing his blaster at him.

"Let them go!" Aaron said. "You want a fight? I'm right here!"

"Ah, the Green Ranger," Lobo said. "I heard you're the bravest of the six. Shall we put that to the test? Loogies, attack!" Just then, ten loogies appeared from the ground, chittering as they charged toward Aaron, who was unmoved.

"Bring it!" the Green Ranger challenged as the henchmen charged. "Dolphin Spear, activate!"

"Summon battle gear," Gosei said as the trident appeared in front of Aaron. The battle was quick and easy, for Aaron was able to block the loogies' blades and slash them with his mighty weapon. Once the henchmen fell in an explosion, only Lobo and Aaron stood.

"Not bad," Lobo said as he drew his own spear. "You have courage, but I am fear."

"Oh yeah?" Aaron asked. "Well, Fear, hate to tell you, but I'm not that afraid."

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now