What are you going to do about it?

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"Where is he now?"

Fury decides to ask, being the best line of action to go, considering everything that is on that USB, Skye can only imagine how many questions he really has. She herself still have multiple of them.

"He is being contained on the BUS. Only Stark and...."

Skye starts to answer, seeing as she is the one that is behind all of this, indirectly at least, but stops midway through when she realises, she doesn't know the full answer. She turns her head towards Stark, realising she should have asked him who he gave access too.

"Who else did you give the access to?"

She asks, and seeing the smile on his face, Skye starts to regret her decisions once more.

"You and agent May."

He answers, which somehow helps calming her down. At least the man trusts her and May with something like this. Turning her attention back to Fury who nods his head. Skye can see how his mind is working, and with a quick look around herself, she knows he isn't the only one. The woman who was in the office when they entered is still reading through the files open on Fury's computer and Skye know that the Avengers, Coulson, and May have been trying to figure out a plan from the very start. Looking towards her two students, Darcy, and Jane. Skye comes to a decision, and she takes in a deep breath.

"I might have an idea of how we can use this to our advantage,"

She says, which makes all attention being turned towards her once more.

"And that would be?"

The woman asks and Skye looks at her, trying hard to figure out who she is, only to fall short.

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

She asks, knowing fully well she should have continued to tell them about her plan.

"That is deputy director Maria Hill."

May informs her, before the woman has a chance to answer herself. Turning her head towards May, Skye sees how she nods her head at the silent question. if the woman is safe or not. Happy over the silent answer, Skye turns her attention towards Fury and Hill.

"At this very moment, HYDRA has zero idea that they have been found. We made sure that Ward didn't have time or the ability to contact anyone and tell them that something was up. For all they know, their secret is still in the dark."

She starts to explain, seeing a hint of doubt in the two high up S.H.I.E.L.D agents' eyes.

"No, they don't know they have been hacked. I make sure my students know how to sneak around undetected..."

She starts to explain, only to fall short when she realises that Jefferson had been caught and she turns completely around, arms crossed, and eyes narrowed. The sudden anger from her makes the young man step back.


Is all Skye can get out, before being stopped by a hand on her shoulder. Knowing that the hand belongs to May, she takes in a deep breath to calm herself down. Darcy wouldn't have stopped her-

"We will have a very long conversation about all of this later one!"

Skye says and seeing the small head nod from Jefferson, she turns back towards Fury and Hill once more.

"As I was saying, I make sure to teach my student's how to hide themself properly if they are doing stuff like that, even if I hate the fact that they will need to do it at some point. Granted, I should have learned that once you cross path with S.H.I.E.l.D there is nowhere to run, you get sucked right back into it all at one point or another."

Skye continues to explain, the last part being heavy with sarcasm, and she can hear how someone, most likely Stark, let's out a small laugh at her comment.

"I say, you are a lot deeper into it all then you give away. I remember how you casually logged into agent Coulson's account to find the information I wanted on Thor."

Stark comments, which makes Skye roll her eyes. That was information she didn't want the director or Coulson to know about that part. Feeling how Coulson looks at her, Skye takes in a deep breath before turning around, glearing at Stark for a few seconds before she looks at the man who first introduced her to S.H.I.E.L.D.

"You used my account?"

"Well, let's face it Coulson. You really need to change your password, I mean... #stevestevesteveiheartsteve0704 isn't a good password."

The moment she mentions his password, Coulson's face falls and laughter fills the room. Stark is turning over double laughing at this point and Skye narrows her eyes.

"I don't know why you are laughing so hard Stark. Your password isn't much better, mister, Pepperonis4life&2moon."

Hearing his own password, Stark stops laughing, his eyes growing large as he looks at Skye who simply smiles. By now, Clint is leaning towards Natasha for support, trying to catch his breath.

"Oh, we are so keeping her!"

The archer managed to get out, taking in a few deep breaths at the same time, which makes Skye rolls her eyes. Seeing as how her secret about knowing people's passwords are out, she can just drop the next big secret and be done with all of that, mostly so they can get back on track.

"Don't even think about doing something Barton, I know everyone's passwords, well except for Fury's and Hill's. And seeing how May is my mother, you won't get rid of me that easy."

She points out and a new type of silence falls over the room.


Clint screams and from the look around in the room, more than half of them wanted to do the same thing. Rolling her eyes, Skye crosses her arms and takes a similar stand as May.

"It's not like we have been trying to keep it a secret throughout this whole thing."

Skye points out and she can see how the Avengers team turns their attention towards the 616 team that is looking towards them. The two-team trying to figure out if the other one knew about this, but seeing the confusion in one another's eyes, they turn their attention back to Skye and May.

"Who knew this?"

"Me and Jane have known for a long time, but seeing as Skye and I are roommate, it would be crazy if I didn't know who her mother is, well adopted one at least."

Darcy answers the question, and the two teams looks towards her and Jane that nods her head in agreement.

"Marc, myself and the rest of our class knows. Agent May was visiting Skye one day when we showed up for our lesson."

Dawson jumps in once Darcy is done, only to shrink back as the attention is being turned towards her.

"Not to mention you all were ready to kick me out of the place if I tried to arrest Skye or make her stop being your teacher. I know I said this before, but you have quite the devoted students."

May comments and Skye nods her head, she can't help but to agree on that. Hearing someone cough, she turns around, eyes landing on Fury and Hill. Somewhere in the middle of all the confessions, she had forgotten where they are and what they come there to do. With a deep breath, she tries to calm herself and makes sure she has all the information she needs in order.

"Right, my idea of what we should do next."

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