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“Of course she would be creating more hackers, we should have looked harder for her and we wouldn’t be here now.”

The echo of the slap managed to pull her into reality, eyes large as she watches the angry looking Darcy, who’s attention is turned towards Ward, who is looking at her with large eyes. Turning her own head, her eyes landing on Melinda before they travels towards Jane. The two ladies takes the hint.

Melinda let’s go off Jefferson and Jane moves forwards, with their combined strength, they pull Darcy back before she is able to do anything else and Skye takes a stand in front of her.

“Darc, I love you, but please, I can handle my own fights.”

Skye tells her oldest friend, and she can see the anger die down, but it’s clear that if Ward makes another comment, she won’t hesitate to hit him once more.

“I can see you girls self-defence classes are working out, it was a good hit.”

Melinda points out, her voice low and Darcy starts to smile big at this and Skye rolls her eyes. From the corner of her eyes, she can see that Jefferson is trying to sneak away, throwing out her arm, she grabs hold of his jacket.

“Oh no, you are not going anywhere Jefferson! You are in big trouble mister! What is my first rule?”

Skye asks, deciding to ignore the rest of the S.H.I.E.L.D team, a team she should probably talk to at some point. Hearing how Jefferson mumbles, Skye rolls her eyes once more. Looking away from Jefferson, she looks towards the rest of her students.

 “Not to use our abilities to hack organisations, especially S.H.I.E.L.D.”

They repeat and Skye crosses her arms as she turns her attention back to Jefferson, who has now lowered his head in shame.

“I just wanted to...”

He starts to say, only to stop speaking as Skye holds up her hand. She doesn’t want to know his reason for pulling a stunt like this, but she can see there is something else, something he is holding back. Remembering what Melinda had told her when she got the call, her eyes narrows.

“Show me.”

She orders, which makes Jefferson lift his head in surprise. It’s clear this wasn’t the reaction he expected, and when Skye points towards her computer, indicating that he heard her right, Jefferson moves towards her desk.

Skye can feel the eyes of team 616 on her back, but for now she makes sure to simply ignore them. She can deal with them all once she knows what she is dealing with.

Placing herself behind Jefferson, the young man turns his head to look at her and Skye nods hers, showing once more that he should keep going. Seeing Jefferson take a deep breath, he turns his attention to the screen and he starts working.

“Well, I did start hacking S.H.I.E.L.D, which was a child’s play, but then I found this...”

Jefferson explains, his hands moving from the keyboard and he leans back slightly. Keeping her eyes on the screen, Skye leans forwards, before placing her own hands on the keyboard. Jefferson had managed to find a firewall she has never seen before.

“Did you?”

“No, I never got the chance. It was late  I needed to sleep if I was to get up in the morning for school.”

Jefferson explains and Skye nods her head.

“You did good.”

She tells him, a compliment that makes all attention turn towards her. Deciding to ignore this for now, she waves her hand in a signal for Jefferson to move from her seat, which he quickly does.

“Alright class, I’m sending over what Jefferson managed to find. Let’s see if we can crack this thing.”

She says, lifting her head to watch her students. She can see confusion in their eyes before heads nods. With a smile, she makes sure to send then all towards the fire wall, watching from the corner of her eyes how Jefferson almost throws himself towards his seat.

With her class working, she takes in a deep breath. All she wants to do is work with them, but feeling that eyes are still on her, she turns her chair, her own eyes landing on the 616 team, Jane and Darcy. The later still being hold into place by Melinda and Jane.

“I think you can release her now.”

Skye informs them, but seeing the eye roll from Jane, the grin from Darcy and the question in Melinda’s eyes, she knows that won’t happen. Knowing that Darcy will take another swing if either of the 616 team speaks out if line, it’s probably for the best if they keep a hold of her for a while longer.

“Alright then, welcome to my school. After the stunt at my old work, I needed to find a new one, and opening my own school for computer science is much more my style.”

She starts to speak, not wanting to do this but knowing the faster she deals with this problem, the faster things can go back to a more normal way of life. At least that’s what she is hopping for, but the last few times she needed to deal with this group it has gone down hill, and then there is the factor that her boss is Tony Stark.

The moment she starts thinking of him, Skye can’t help but to wonder if she should call him and the rest of the Avengers. Remembering that Coulson’s life status is beyond them, it would be a bad idea and what would she tell either of the team.

And this is all about computer problems and hacking, something she is more than capable to handle without having to call for the Avengers, even if it’s tempting.

“Are we just going to let them all hack our systems?”

At the sound of Wards voice, being louder than the conversation FitzSimmons is trying to have with everyone, makes Skye turn to look at him, eyes narrowed. She can hear Darcy complain over being held back and Skye is tempted to make the same request about letting her go, it would be fun to see her hit Ward a second time.

“Jefferson quickly bypassed S.H.I.E.L.D’s weak security systems, which you all should have fixed, seeing how easily it was for me and the Rising Tied could get in. No, what my students are now working on something else, after realising how easy it was, he moved on and found something else. Trusting agent May when she feels like something isn’t right, I'm going to make sure to learn what is going on, and seeing as I’m the best hacker you all know, I’m the best one for this work.”

Skye explains, surprised over how levelled her voice is as she turns her chair towards her computer screen.

“Beside, this will be the second time I help you all solve a hacker problem since I left the BUS. You really need someone else to do this work for you all.”

She adds, voice slightly lower, but she knows the message went through either way. Right now, she decides to concentrate on the fire wall and to get through it, so she can kick the team out so she can call Stark and see if he has another building she could move her school too, seeing how this one has been compromised.

The life she should have had ~ Quake Protocol what if...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora