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Ever since her students saw the hug between her and May, Skye can feel how her students have been looking at her differently. She also knows quite a few of them have been on the edge of their seats to ask her about the connection between her and the S.H.I.E.L.D agent they blame for her disappears from the school. Even if they are happy to have her back in their life, having her as their teacher, they still can't help but to wonder what happened. After a week of her students looking at her, acting as if they are to step on something that will break, Skye rolls her eyes. This action has led them to doing badly in class and she can't have that.

"Alright, that's it! Everyone stop with what you are doing!"

Skye tells them after an hour of class, this action makes her students look up from their computers, eyes turning towards her as Skye rises from her chair and walks around her desk to lean towards it, arms crossed. She looks at them all, waiting to see if one of them would start asking any questions, but seeing that none of them do, she rolls her eyes.

"Come on, I know all of you have questions. So go ahead and ask them."

Skye tells them all, and seeing how her students look at one another, she shakes her head.

"You know the agent?"

Jefferson was the first one to ask, and Skye has a feeling he will be then one to lead this conversation.

"She's my mother, so of course I know her."

Skye comments, rolling her eyes. She knows fully well that Darcy had pointed out they were mother and daughter when May had been hugging her. So why he will start asking if she knows her or not is something she doesn't quite understand.

"But her team was looking for you, it felt as if they wanted to have you arrested or something."

Jefferson continues, which makes Skye nod her head slightly, she should have known they would be able to read through it all, they are smart kids after all.

"Well, they do. I was separated from my mom for a while. Long story that I wont talk about. We meet again after I hacked S.H.I.E.L.D, I did some work for them for a while. But things didn't work out, so I left. Agent May has known where I was the whole time."

Skye explains and she can see the look in some of their eyes when she mentioned hacking into S.H.I.E.L.E.D and she knew this would end badly.

"No, no hacking into S.H.I.E.l.D! I won't have my students to something that stupid. I might have gotten away with it back then, but I don't think anyone else would get the treatment I got. And that also mean, no hacking any other organisation or agency. I'm not teaching you to become hackers. Am I making myself clear?"

She tells them, arms crossed once more eyes narrowed as she looks at each one, her eyes landing on Jefferson the longest and he lowers his head. She knew he would try something like this, and she will need to keep a closer eye on him from now on. Seeing that she had been worried about him hacking before the whole S.H.I.E.L.D coming to her school problem.

"So, your mother lied to her own team about you leaving?"

Dawson is the one speaking this time around, and Skye nods her head.

"Yes, she lied about checking Darcy and my place, she knew I would end up hiding once more. So, she made things a bit better for me. Then I got this deal, and she is making sure I'm alright. Anything else you guys wish to know about?"

Skye explains, lowering her arms to show that she isn't angry with them anymore, seeing that they shake their heads she nods her own.

"Good, then you can all go back to work."

She informs them, moving from her desk, walks around it and takes her place. She can feel that her students are still looking at her, which makes her lift one eyebrow. At this action, she sees their heads being turned towards their screens and she rolls her eyes. Turning her own attention towards her screen, she sees an unread message. Lifting one eyebrow, she opens it to see an invitation from Stark. Getting a bad feeling about what it could be, she answers she will be there once her class is over. forcing her worry into the back of her mind, she tries to focus on her work. The hour goes by slowly and once today's class is over and she has forced her student's home, she sends Darcy a quick message she will be home late as she walks for the tower.

Watching the tower grow larger in front of her, she can feel the worry starting to grow once more. With a deep breath, she pushes the door open and enters. Seeing that no one is sitting in the reception, she moves towards the elevator she knows will lead her up to the Avengers floors. As she enters, the door closes by itself and starts to move.

"Welcome Miss Skye."

She hears JARVIS speak through the speak and she smiles, she should try and hack into him one of these days. Realising that she is thinking about hacking when she told her students they shouldn't hack. Feeling the elevator stop and doors opening, she feels how her eyes grows large at the sight in front of her. She wasn't sure what she expected when reaching this floor, but seeing that all of the avengers are there, along side with Pepper, ready to eat wasn't one of the things in her mind.

"There she is! Just in time! Come on in!"

Stark calls out when he sees her in the elevator, heads turning towards her, and she can see how they smile. Taking a careful step out of the elevator, she looks around herself, just to make sure if anyone else is there or not.

"What is going on?"

She asks, turning her attention back to Stark once more, who smiles big.

"We thought it be nice if you joined us for a dinner, and I want to hear how your work is going."

Stark tells her with a wave of his hand, turning to look at the rest of the people around the table and seeing that Pepper nods her head, Skye moves towards the table and takes the free seat. Having dinner with the Avengers is one of the weirdest things she has done in a while, and that's not counting the fact that she accepted a job offer from Stark himself. This was going to be a fun conversation with May later on.

The conversation around the table is a mix of everything, Stark asking a question about her work from time to time, but most if it is talk about what they do. Both working missions for S.H.I.E.L.D and the crazy things Stark makes them do on their down time. Before she knows it, Skye is relaxed and laughing along when Clint is telling a story about what Stark had done during a mission, the owner of the tower not looking all to pleased about it and Skye is sure if he could, he would kick the archer out.

It's ling past midnight when Stark has one of his drivers drop Skye off at the apartment she shares with Darcy, knowing that May would still be awake, she tries to figure out if she should call the agent or not. Reaching her apartment door and seeing there is still light on, she decides she can call May in the morning, she will need to deal with Darcy first. 

The life she should have had ~ Quake Protocol what if...Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя