Indian architect never fails to amaze me. People saw us coming and they bowed at us.
They looked at me and then whispered to eachother.
A few which i was able to hear were like
"Is he the prince? He is so handsome"
"Is he real?"
I bet my ears were suddenly red which had nothing to do with the sunlight.
I was here for a few hours and i was already in love.
It took us another half an hour to reach the palace.
"I am good! What about you? And your family?" He looked at us and then at my father again.
Soon the queen came with something in her hands.
I know! It is aarti. Eomma told me about it.
Behind her was someone i couldn't see. She was completely behind the queen.
After the queen was done with her rituals she stepped aside making me have a clear look at her. My eyes widened at the sight infront of me. My mouth fell open.
It was the same girl from yesterday. was she the princess? My heartbeat increased again.
Oh no!
She touched my father's feet and then my mother's feet. She then went infront of my brother and joined her both hands.
"Welcome to hriday nagari o-oppa" does she know Korean??
"Thankyou nayani" my brother patted her head.
She then turned towards me and....froze. well, i didn't expected her to run towards me and hug me.
Not even seconds later she regained her composure and walked towards me.
"Welcome to hriday nagari jungkook" i closed my eyes, my name from her lips in her Indian accent felt like the cold breeze in the hottest desert.
"Thankyou nayani" i raised my eyebrows.
I don't know if she can listen to my heart beating so loudly but i surely can.
She then went back towards her parents.
Someone tapped on my shoulder. I looked behind to see eomma.
"Yes eomma?"
"Is she the one you were talking about?"
I nodded.
"Yes she is the one but how do you know?"
She smiled at me and then whispered
I looked in the front agains to see her looking at me.
We finally entered the palace.
And now i was waking beside nayani in silence. Which she thought of breaking.
"Uh...i am sorry again for what i did.."
"It's okay really!"
"Is your arm fine?" She looked at my arm with her worried ocean eyes.
"Aren't you too concerned?" Her worried eyes met mine. And i couldn't look away. But the strange thing was neither did she. We stared...and stared....and stared.
....and star- "opps" a voice brought us out of our trance and looked at the source of voice to find the same girl from yesterday.
"I am sorry i disturbed" she was smirking.
She must be nayani's friend.
"Anushka...." She then told her something with her eyes and she rolled her eyes before walking away.
Nayani looked at me again....
"I wasn't concerned for you i was concerned for me" she said.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
" If my mother gets to know what i did to her guest she will kill me. But before that....she will give me a long lecture of 'athithi devo bhava ''.
"Lecture of what?"
"Uh..i mean she will tell me that our guests are like god's. In India, a guest is given the
Respect of God himself"
"Really?" She nodded.
"So...can we keep it a secret? Please? "
"What will I get in return?"
"I will do anything for you!" She said. I smirked. Walking closer to her.
"Anything ~" i said lowly.
"She nodded while stepping back .
Her back hit the pillar behind her and she was caged between my arms.
"What are you doing?" She asked panicking. Not because of our position but because she was scared we might get caught.

 Not because of our position but because she was scared we might get caught

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"Some-someone might see us here like this"
I smirked and stepped away.
"Then can you please help me explore the palace and the nagari?" I asked her.
She looked at me for sometime. I was getting impatient by each second scared of being rejected.
"Yeah sure!" She smiled.
I couldn't resist but smile at her smile.

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I couldn't help it! The romance is what we live for and i wanted to add some in here

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I couldn't help it! The romance is what we live for and i wanted to add some in here. Some was in last part aswell.
Anyways i can't wait for nayani and jungkook to explore India. This exploring is just for the places or their hearts too?

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