chapter 5 is this real..?

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Revalis pov;

"What do u mean?" I asked, link looked at me confused. 'Never mind don't worry about it' he signed then looked away from me. "Hey don't look away from me" He looked back at me 'you didn't do anything I just thought I saw something.' "O-oh okay" I responded. 'I've got to go zelda will most likely need me' he quickly grabbed his stuff smiled at me and left. Did I say something? Oh well I'll see him later I've got training to do

Links pov;

Hylia what is this! I can't love him I can't! Love will get in my way. I walked into zeldas room to find her still asleep. So I went to my room and lied down. What am I doing... I need to tell him i can't keep hiding this... but what if he doesn't feel the same it will be really awkward I could just say lol you thought and walk of then go and be sad and depressed in my room. What's the worst thing that can happen. 'Zelda today I'll be busy I will see you if you need me just teleport to me I'll be at rito village' I left her a note and put it in her room and then left. "Revali.?" I stutterd a little bit "you okay?" "Huh oh yea of course I am haha can I talk to you for a second" remember link if he rejects you say lol you thought. "Oh yea of course" he walked over to me "whats wro-" I grabbed his wing with my hand "i- I really like you since I first met you actually hylia you're amazing and you're so pretty!"

Revalis pov;

Did he really just confess to me n-no way he feels the same. I could say no for my ego but that would be cruel. "Revali..?" I moved my wing to his face "-tch- link really?" "H-huh?" "Of course I like you back dummy" "r-really!?" He seemed so confused by me liking him back was it really that hard to understand "of course I do who wouldn't you're fucking amazing you're personality is great and ur.." I go closer to his ear "really fucking hot" I laughed at his reaction to wich he hit me for.

Links pov;

Is this real... he..he really likes me back oh I love him so much! "I love you link" he said while messing up my hair still laughing from my reaction of going bright red. "I love you too" I looked at him and smiled a little bit i  gave him a hug to wich he hugged me back, hylia how I wanted to stay like this forever and ever.
"Link" zelda said. I froze "what do you want zelda?" Revali spoke. "As much as this was heart warming I'm ganna need my knight back we got places to be you know places to be people to see. Things to fix" zelda laughed a little " be there now princess" I said. I kissed revali on the side of his beak and laughed at his reaction of him going red "d-dont laugh at me!" I continued laughing and followed zelda.

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