Chapter 3:Forming a bond.

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Gabriel's POV
The minute I stepped into my house I feel as though it doesn't belong to me anymore,I don't feel my presence around the way I used to,it's all empty,I feel I'm beginning to loose my sense of feelings as well....

Is this what dying feels like?

The idea of feeling pain at the same time feeling nothing...
....but total emptiness?

I have very little time to do what I have to and even if it's the last thing I do,it's a risk I'm ready to take,even If I end up being hated by them,at least I'll try to make sure the hate exists only for me.

Lost in thought and loaded with too many thoughts,i barely even realised that Ciara has been calling out to me....

"Gabriel,what's wrong?" Ciara asked with worried expression written all over her face.

"Yeah?"I answered, startled at being drawn back to reality.

"Are you okay? You seem lost," Ciara said, still worried.

"I'm good,just stressed out a bit from work," I lied.

"Oh,I'm sorry. Gabe, you know, you're really trying hard for our family and never have you given me a chance to complain,you're indeed everything I dreamed about and more...."Ciara said so honestly, I know what she's trying to do, though she's trying to deviate my attention from my thoughts."Gabe,do you know what Saturday is?" She asked with an eyebrow raised in squinted eyes that made me smile, though.

"How could I forget?" I finally let down a bit of my worries.

On Saturday is our 5years anniversary.

But it seems only like yesterday I had no choice but to marry her and now,she has become more than a wife to me,she's more like my best friend

"So what do you suggest we do this Saturday,i was thinking about a getaway together,we could spend like a week out of town and I'll just drop the girls off at Mom's house"
She said, all excited.

Should I tell her now?
She's all excited, and I don't want to ruin her moment,but what do I do?

"Uhm....Ciara," I breathed heavily. I felt as if a heavy weight just got thrown down my chest.

"Yeah?" Ciara said, still smiling.

"We need to I said,my heart beating faster now than it was supposed to

"Annalise...." I started out,then I saw the smile slowly fade away replaced with an expression I can't seem to recognise....what is it, though?

"Annalise?,that's who you're going to bring up when we're making anniversary plans,seriously Gabe,i don't believe you" Ciara sounded disappointed and I just sat down there like my lips were pinned together

"I want her to come live here....with us," I blurted out without thinking twice, and now I realize it....

"Live here,Gabe. Are you joking with me right now? How can you talk about Annalise coming to live here?" Ciara asked with her voice, clearly showing how hurt she was.

"Look,we can't ignore the fact that she is also apart of my life,we have a kid together as well,and what has that innocent kid done to deserve living without the love of a father,while her father's still alive?" I asked, hoping she would see reasons in what I was saying. Instead, she just smiled, turned away, and left.

Oh my,what do I do now?

I badly need a miracle to happen for me right now,i need it badly,i can't die like this... I need to bring them together

Just then...

"Dad,you're back." Tianna hugged me tightly with Beth running behind her

"Hello princesses." I greeted them with a bow when they finally let go of me,just like we always do.

"Dad,where did you go to?" Tianna asked. "We were supposed to go get ice cream together or did you forget?" She asked, looking sad

"No dear,i had to take care of something earlier,but I'm here now,who said we can't go now?"

The girls jumped with excitement and ran up to go dress,few minutes or hours with my princesses,might do my thoughts some good...

They returned from their rooms,looking all pretty, and we left the house and drove off to an ice cream parlour not too far away from home...

"Dad,I'll take a vanilla flavour," Beth ordered

"I'll go with Strawberry," Tianna said

"Alright,m'ladies,as you wish," I said while bowing down politely,which earned me two beautiful smiles from two of the three girls I could lay down my life for.

When I returned to the girls with their ice cream,i couldn't believe my eyes,it was as if my vision was failing me...

"Dad,my friend, I told you about that's her mum...." Tianna said while smiling."She is a very nice lady,can I go say hi? Gabrielle must be here somewhere. " Tianna pleaded

"No dear,we have to get going now,the time's getting late already,your Mum will be worried if we don't return early" I said with an already exploding chest,it was as if my heart was running a motorbike race or something...

"Shall we girls?" I tried faking a smile

"Alright Dad,bye Aunt" Tianna waved at Annalise, and Annalise waved and smiled right back.

She's nice to the girls, but why?

We drove off the parlour immediately before Gabrielle could come out from wherever she was. It would have been a disaster if i hadn't left there as fast as I did.

When we got back,Ciara was writing her book like she always does when she has free time,she's a per time author,but she doesn't just write books for the income it's something she really has passion for and she writes books also when she's feeling stressed out...angry or sad.

What I know is that she's definitely writing right now because of me...what have I done,couldn't I have found another way to spill the beans rather than blurting everything out like that.

The day went on with Ciara continuing to avoid me. She got the kids ready for bed, and I was in our room,pretending to be asleep, though. I was fully awake but uncomfortable.

Click. I heard the room door close and footsteps moving closer to the bed, and the closer the footsteps were, the harder and faster my heartbeat got.

"Gabriel?" Ciara called, checking if I was asleep, I was not sure if I should answer her or just ignore her, and act as if I was asleep.

"Gabriel, we need to talk, I know you too well to fall for your fake sleeping tricks." She sighed.

"But I was sleeping...." I tried to lighten up her mood.

"Stop it, about wanting Annalise to come stay here, I gave that a thought already, and....." She sighed again. This time heavier than the last one as if letting a big weight off your chest.

"And?..." I asked, trying so hard to hide the excitement in my voice.

"The girls will be happy to have their big sister around, and I understand where you're coming from. She was the first woman in your life, and I was a mistake..." I stopped her with a kiss on the lips.

"Ci, you're not a mistake. You are one of the best things that has happened in my life and not a single day passes by since we got married that I don't appreciate you for being in my life, never have I ever regret marrying you, Ci, I love you for everything you are, your kindness, how you care for me and our family, you being the hardworking woman any man would ever wish for, I love you for all this and more," I expressed, honestly, because truly, she deserves more than this.

"Bring them in. Whenever you like, I'll prepare the empty rooms," She said, and turned her face away from me, and went to sleep.... I guess.


Hey Lovelies.

Two chapters in a single day??
Whaaatttt??... *laughs*
I'm just two excited to get done with the POV of the parents, already.

Thank you, all.


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