chifuyu got hurt by what baji told him, it made him shut his mouth and everyone's, even kazutora. he stepped back twice before he turned his back to leave

he ran to the bathroom and cried, he tried covering his mouth so he can't make noises but he ended up making small muffled noise

"Hmm mhm.."

"I can't.. I take that too far, that's too far Baji.. too damn far! You embarrassed me infront of my classmates.. and yours" chifuyu thought

"I hate you.. so much! Am I that stupid.. why are you making it clear to me for fuck sake Baji..!"

this is the first time chifuyu ever cried in school. all his life, even in his preschool he never cried over something

but today, he cried because of baji's painful words. the words baji didn't think of before he let go and said to him

chifuyu stopped crying. he knew if he kept crying and crying he'll just make his eyes red, it'll be obvious that the cried

"Calm down.. calm down Chifuyu.."

knock knock

"Hey.. You okay over there?"

"Kaz- .. Kazutora?" chifuyu tried his best to talk straight but he hiccup

"You're crying.. aren't you? Don't worry… I talked to Baji, I calmed him down too… he knew what he did is wrong, he said sorry"

"It is alright, I'm fine r-really.. h-huuh.. Don't mind me, s-so can you just leave?"

kazutora looked at the floor and sighed, "Alright.. Don't cry too hard okay? I'll be here if you want someone to talk to"

fast forward.

chifuyu moved on to what happened. he bought himself a coffee again and walked in the hallways

"Hey Baji.. I thought you're sorry of what happened earlier?" baji's classmate asked

"Why do you care..I won't stop until I can't get revenge to this shit guy"

baji called out one of his classmates to help him set up a nylon rope in the hallways so that chifuyu will trip and will fall in the floor

his classmate felt guilty helping baji with his stupidness, "Ya know… I heard him earlier in the restroom, he was crying hard then Kazutora came to him"

baji bit his lips, "I was... just jealous of them! I can't when they were always together that's why I want to get his attention"

"If that's the case tell him kindly you stupid, let's just stop this or else-"

chifuyu almost made a step near the rope when baji shouted, "Watch out Chifuyu!"


baji pulled chifuyu away and hugged him tight. once again before baji pulled him his coffee got spilled again


"Wait- Isn't this Baji?!"


baji changed their position to assure he won't trip in the rope but because of his stupidness he tripped on it and fell, he took chifuyu with him

"U-Ugh.." chifuyu groaned. he opened his eyes and baji's closeness turned his world upside down, heart fell in his stomach and he screamed internally

"S-Sorry?" baji shyly asked

"No no no! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to! I didn't mean to Baji" chifuyu said while quickly standing up. he fixed his clothes and pulled baji up then left, running fast as he can

baji then just looked at him go away, "Stupid… Chifuyu"

"I see, I see!" kazutora said

baji looked at kazutora from behind and fixed his uniform, "What?!"

"You do really like him? You gay ass bitch"

"No I don't.. I was just trying to be a little nicer to him so that he can forgive me, tsk, stupid" baji said smirking

kazutora sighed, "What now? I thought you really mean it.."

"Ofcourse I'll go back the same next week. I bet he's my dorm mate"

kazutora remembered that he made a bet with chifuyu about baji, "I wonder.. who among us will win the bet? I'm sure I'll win! Baji also agree, but ofcourse I don't agree of Baji doing shit to him again"

after that afternoon, when baji already got in his house, he rested in his bed while staring at the ceiling

"Tsk tsk.. Me? Will like Chifuyu? That's stupid. Ofcourse that won't happen"

baji rolled in his bed then stopped, "Those words I told to my classmate earlier, and the help I did.. Ofcourse that's not real, it's all fake.. I swear that to my self"

"…or do I really not like Chifuyu?"

baji's mixed feelings started messing with him. maybe chifuyu can't change him?

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