Syrukia shook her head, "No! How can I do that? You're the only one who.." she trailed off before sighing,
    "Besides there might be a way to change you back. If we ever see any of your children again how are we supposed to tell them that you were fine but now we've let you get captured by a songstress that captures shadows?!" She exclaimed, all her emotions she hid gushing out at once.

Kaizo smiled sadly. "What are your other options?"

"I.. I..." She didn't know what to say.

Suddenly a voice broke through everything.

"At last!" A voice became deeper than usual, "I have finally found you!"

A person appeared with a mask over the bottom half of their face. They had a fighting outfit with armor, swords, and magic surrounding them.
But the most famous thing about them is their double edged blades.

This person's gender was unknown while they fought so they smiled as Eziynda stared at her.

"Oh?" The princess frowned, "And what business do you have with me?"

"Ah good, you recognize me. It makes it all even better and thrilling when I defeat you." Narissa slowly made her way towards her.

Eziynda laughed, "Defeat me? Now don't get so cocky. What makes you think that would happen?"

"Dearest, you're nothing special I've been doing this for years." Narissa shook her head, "Cleaning the kingdom of evil, slaying darkness with my blades, and those who sought to end it all get a taste of crimson."

"But I done nothing bad to them! I was just talking with a few friends, you see. You can't prove anything." The princess crossed her arms, every shadow on its guard.

"Actually someone told me about you originally." Narissa grinned slyly, "He fought you recently actually. Says you were stirring up trouble and that is how Dizirá met its end."

"That... That red head?! The crimson one that was with her?!" The songstress exclaimed,
      "The one I let go?"

"Pfff let go?" The girl laughed hollowly,
       "It sounds to me you never let them go, but you won't admit he defeated you or bested you. It was just to provoke you first obviously. But Nideru, the one you fought, he's my pupil. And you'd better watch out. Because all he done and knows, I taught him everything."

"He wasn't that good! And I thought pupils surpass their masters?" The princess argued but it was no used she was already upset.

"Ah uh uh! I wouldn't say that if I were you." She grinned holding her two blades out now,
       "Because then it be a whole lot worse when I win and you have to beg on your knees to keep on living."

The princess glared, "Bring it on!" And the shadows and Eziynda raced to do all they could to defeat her.

But the moment she finished her phrase, Narissa was faster than ever, running faster than almost the speed of light. She was like lightning going by as time passes, as fast as memories come and go.

Her ability was activated and there was no stopping nor telling what she might do.

She slashed and sparred.
She dodged and avoided.
She got then from behind and crimson blood was spilled.

Many shadows disappeared, but few remained.

It was then the princess was on the ground and Narissa had her blades up to her neck.

"H-how...?" The princess widen her eyes as she looked all around her. Almost all were gone,
      "This is not how it is supposed to be! I am supposed to win. You dirty scum!" The princess yelled with all her might.

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