A Flash to the Past

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Bonus Chapter: A Flash to the Past

             Sixteen years ago in the kingdom of Narvidian, Princess-to-be-Queen Kiridena was with her two friends: Princess Midnira of the Esperon Kingdom, and Narvidian Civilian Nelvren. It was the day of an important event. The wedding of Kiridena. It came a surprise to many of the kingdom. Everyone assumed that since Kiridena was so close to Nelvren that they would end up together. They got along fine, but that was it. They were friends that had each other's backs, but just that. It was actually Midnira and Nelvren that she saw hooking up. They were often arguing as well that it made her the tie breaker through every argument. When she met the noble Vizren, he was different and always understood her. He was always there for her and listened to her. Unlike most nobles, he wasn't too self centered or anything. He got along alright with her friends too. They were perfect for each other.

When the engagement was announced, Nelvren's parents stared at him in astonishment wondering where they went wrong. Why wasn't he the one she was getting married to? What was going through their son's head that he didn't propose or make any moves on her? He had the chance to become king and he didn't take it.

Nelvren frowned, "I can't take any more of this. Why do people think I'm into you? All day they just been giving me sorrowful looks and remorse. Just because a guy and a girl are friends doesn't mean anything!" He tugged his red hair and pressed and hand to his face.

"I'm sure they mean no harm, Nel." Kiridena tells him as a maid helps make her hair, "Unless it is your parents' giving you grief again, but they're kinda looking out for you. Though you are an adult, so maybe you could get out making your own choices without anyone telling you what to do. You're twenty-two!" She exclaimed trying to cheer him up.

"They are not looking out for me and that's what I tell them." Nelvren waved his hand, "I'm moving out though, so there's that. I was thinking about moving in with Mid. She offered and she was kinda getting low with paying her rent." He then leaned back with a smug grin on his face, "Why don't you let us stay in this wonderful place again?" He laid down comfy.

"You can after I'm Queen. That's the rules. I can't allow just anyone until I'm Queen and have reign over this place. I'm so excited, I've been looking forward to this since I was born."

"I'm so glad I have a twin sister who was born two minutes before me. Reigning over people sounds stressful." Midnira exclaims walking in the room, "I heard all that Nel and I say just ignore them. Your parents are kinda stupid. Hate to break it to you, but they are. Though at least they aren't pressuring that whatever you do is not proper and would look bad for Esperon because Moons and Lights must never be around each other because we are somehow opposites." Midnira allows herself to plop on the seat.

"Mid you don't have to say it like that. At least be considerate about things going on. Show that you care and express yourself!" Kiridena smiles as the lady fixes her makeup.

"Yeah, I don't want to lie." Midnira laughs, "I rather stick to the dang truth. Besides I rather not overly express myself, it's not me."

Kiridena turned around, "MIDNIRA de ESPERON! WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?"

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