Rewrite Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: In Confinement

Prince Niderudion has awoken from the terrible pain in his chest.  He had read the note Naricelissa left him and began ripping it apart in shreds.  Anyone who saw this might think he was rejecting the proposal all together, but that wasn't the case at all.  He had to make sure nobody saw what it said.  Though, if anybody asked he would tell them in was a fan♥letter from a Kespero.

Niderudion noticed his sister was still not conscious.  He hoped she was alright.  Nakosir was lying to Naricelissa about them being close to death.  That wouldn't kill them with their healing abilities.  He was messing with his sister again.

The prince realized, she was there watching everything that happened.  From the trees of above, was she peering down at him.  He was annoyed that she could of seen her.  He thought of everything that happened and wondered what that move she did was.  He shook his head, knowing he would find out next time he saw her.

Niderudion also realized how important she was to him.

"Nakosir?" The prince calls for him and he comes within seconds, "Nakosir, do you know what happened?"

"Thank goodness, Your Highness." Nakosir bowed quickly, "You are alright. It has been five hours since that incident. When your sister is conscious, Her Majesty, your mother would want to speak with both of you. I do hope you come up with something good to tell her. I did tell her as vague as possible you were somewhere and you both got injured. I suspect she would not tolerate vagueness from both of you."

"Thank you Nakosir. Thank you for your help. To be fair, if we told her we were in town by the outskirts of the forest and all the sudden two reedins came up to us and injured us gravelly, it would still be the same. That was what happened. We did not even try to hurt any reedins physically." He muttered, still recovering.  "Though now, I realized how strong they actually are. Someone told me once, you defeated one.  Is that true?" The prince lifted up to ask.

Nakosir widen his eyes, "Did she now?  er... I mean I wouldn't want rumors like that spreading.  I suppose it is true.  I have.  When I was young I practiced in the forest and used my sister to help me.  We are the only ones that can." Nakosir smiled in wonder to see if the prince would figure out the truth.  "I suggest you stay defeating the darkened souls until you are strong enough for reedins."

Niderudion nodded, "I see.  You still believe I am not ready.  When will I be ready?  I feel like you are just saying the same things and never nothing new."

Once again Niderudion overlook his words.

Suddenly his sister gained conscious, "Nideru, I am glad we are both fine.  I was thinking... Maybe we should tell mom the truth this time."

Niderudion looks at his sister with thought, "We could say we were in this kingdom still, but we saw we were close to the forest and wanted to come back when two reedins came and attacked us.  When I told Nakosir to take my sister back, they only injured me as much as Novalie.  It is true, but it sounds better."

The twins got up and put on some proper clothes.  With their knight, the three of them headed to the queen's quarters.  They opened both of the double doors as they went in.

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