"What if I told you I loved you?.." Chapter 3

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Following the dinner we parted ways with Akito and Toya and as I was about to take my own direction, An called out my name.

"Hey Kohane!"

"Hm yes An?" I replied.

"Do you wanna stay over at my place??"

Sleepover at An's place...there should be no problem with that..right?

"Yeah of cour-" before I could even finish my sentence, An jumped in excitement and practically dragged me to her house.

She grabbed the keys out of her pocket and went one by one, ehe she still gets confused with the keys to the cafe and the house..I told her to mark it but she's stubborn ehe...she eventually got in and shouted for her dad.

"Welcome back An, oh- I see you brought that little girl" 

"Daaad you should know her name by now!" An yelled.

"Oh trust me, I know her name, you never stop talking about her" He began laughing as he saw An's face turn bright red and she looked as if she was about to protesting it but instead got silent. Does she really talk about me that much? What does she talk about...? Huh make I should defuse the situation first.

"Uhm An how about we go to your room?" I said.

"Hmpt sure then, let's go" she proceeds to grab my wrist and rushes me upstairs, I turned around to look at her dad and he gave me the thumbs up....thumbs up for what though...

"You know...considering how long I've known you for, I don't think you've been in my house that often..." An said.

"Yeah since my house is closer to the park we tend to just sleep over there." I replied.

"Aha true, still though"

"So what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Uhhh I haven't really gotten that far to planning....OO WE SHOULD WATCH A MOVIE!"

"Aaah An I'm right here no need to yell" I replied, covering my ears.

"OH uhm sorry dear.."

DEAR??? What could she have meant by that...I think she realized what she said because she put her head down immedietly after she finished....An calling me dear....that's so different from her..I grab the remote from her hand and turn on the TV to try and move on from it...a horror film comes up.

"Oh I've always wanted to see that one" I say.

"U-u-uhm" She clearly looks horrified.

"Oh no but I could just rent it later" I reassure.

"N-NO I- uhm it's alright, we can watch that.." she says as she grabs a pillow from her bed and places it on my lap.

"Do you want any drinks or snacks?" she asks me.

"No thank you." I reply

"Alright, I'll still get some if you change your mind" she quickly giggled and walked out the room.

While she's out, I look at the pillow she placed on my lap...it's a star shaped pillow, clearly worn out but it's still cute, I flipped it around and it had some worn out text that read "For my rising star!" awe, how cute..

"Okay I brought some water and juice pouches, you ready?" she asked as she grabbed a few more pillows and jumped next to me.

"Yep I'm ready, are you?" I question.

"Ready for anything!" she replies as she tries hiding the fact she wiped sweat from her forehead.

The movie majorly involves ghosts and vampires and really brings in the horror aspect of human's being bitten by vampires and being turned into vampiric ghosts that bite normal ghosts...honestly quite a silly horror storyline when said out loud but it's enough to have An shaking next to me.

[movie script]

"s-sir...are you alright?"

"What concern do you have for me?" The vampire replied.

"w-well you look very pale and you're standing under a street lamp quite late at night.."

"I feel as if you should concern for yourself"

"h-huh? AAAH-"

[end of movie script]

"OH MY GOD HOW DID HE APPEAR BEHIND HER!!" An screamed as she held tightly to her pillow.

During similar cases of the film she screamed and yelped until she threw her pillow and resorted to holding onto me. She grabbed onto my hand and everytime there was a film jumpscare, she'd hug me tight....ehe....it's kind of adorable...I MEAN...

"AAAA-" she yelled again, she placed her face on my shoulder and I felt my shoulder getting wet so I muted the TV to look at her...poor thing not even 30 minutes into the film and she's already a crying mess...

"Oh my- I'm so sorry!" I said, using my sleeve to dry her tears.

"No, no! Don't apologize...why was that so scary though!" She replied.

"It's a popular horror series"

"I don't get why it's so popular, it's just jumpscares!" she replied, trying to fight the flow of tears from her eyes.

"No more of that then.."

"Okay...what now though?"

"How about we sing for a bit, I'm sure that'll calm you down for a bit.."

"Ooo yes I love that idea!" She replied.

We started on practicing a few of our songs during last weeks practice since those were our lead singing roles for this segment of practice. At first her voice was cracking a bit but as we kept singing she became the An I know and lo- ADORE...just hearing her voice is enough to make any person have the slightest smile..her way of singing is so unique and beautiful I could listen to it for days and never get sick of it...if I could just listen to her voice all day everyday, nonstop, I would...no regrets....

"Kohane my voice is kind of giving up...could you solo sing for a bit..?" An asked. 

"You just want to hear me sing?"

"Yeah! I love your voice, it's so soothing, it's like a lullaby.." she replied.

"Well if you say so..." I clear my throat and begin singing..I look at her and she looks back at me...my lord she is absolutely stunning...how could I, Azusawa Kohane, end up with a partner like her...I look at the roof and continue to sing, eventually the singing turns to humming and the humming turns to silence which brings me back into reality when I noticed An who had fallen asleep on my shoulder...she look so peaceful I almost didn't want to move her but I knew that position would cause a lot of pain in the morning..so without thinking, I placed her head on the star pillow on my lap and watched her adjust herself into a more comfortable position.

After noticing that she was fully asleep, I take out my journal to write another entry.

[journal entry 1.5]

update to this day yet again, I'm sleeping over at An's house, we tried watching a horror film but that didn't work out ehe- but now she's sleeping on my lap..she looks so cute and peaceful...I don't want to disrupt her so I'll end the entry here.

[end of journal entry]

I place the journal back into the bag and look at the sleeping An...As I look at her, I start to question our relationship...I want to admit to it but I'm too scared...what if these feelings aren't actually mine..if they are..what if she doesn't feel the same...would she find it weird that her singing partner loves her and just leave...? So many questions and honestly, I don't want any answers... I over back at An, I twirl her hair with my finger and I pull my head to her ear and quietly whisper in her ear...

"What if I told you I loved you?.."

[Story Word Count: 1305]

The Love I First Denied [Anhane]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ