I left the tavern with a sigh as I walked to the center of Vildorial. I looked around the city, seeing the lack of citizens. After the death of Mica, a lot of the citizens left the city, expecting Vildorial to fall as Burim did. I entered the city center and looked around the large circular area that was surrounded by closed restaurants and businesses.

As I looked around, my eyes fell on two familiar individuals who walked into the empty area. A warm smile graced my face as I began to walk towards them. As they walked further into the center, their eyes fell on me as I approached, and they both smiled happily.

"Elijah, it's good to see you!" Alice chirped.

"You as well, Mrs. Leywin; I was happy to hear about yours and Arthur's return," I said with a nod.

Alice laughed a little and smiled warmly, "Elijah, please. We are both comrades now and of equal rank, according to Aya. So please, just call me Alice."

I smiled back and gave a nod, "Will do. I heard you're in charge of the supply unit at the wall now." 

"I see word spreads quickly, even here," Alice chuckled.

"Your name is pretty famous after the Xyrus attack," Aya said with a smirk.

"Are you here to deliver the supplies?" I asked curiously.

"I am indeed. That's why we came here. Aya said this open area would be the best place, and I have to agree," Alice said as she gestured to the open area.

I nodded before I noticed the lack of supplies. I looked at Alice, confused, "Where are they? If you don't mind me asking."

Alice chuckled a little, "Right here."

Alice turned around and raised her left arm. I watched as Alice twirled her finger, and an amethyst portal appeared in front of us.

"Woah," I said with wide eyes.

"Impressive. You really do come in handy," Aya commented.

I continued to look at the portal as a few armored soldiers walked through. Their eyes fell onto Alice and Aya as they gave them a salute.

"General. Captain." The soldiers said in unison.

"Welcome to Vildorial. Advise Kathlyn she is good to send in the supplies," Alice ordered.

One of the guards nodded and walked back through the portal.

I felt a fluttering sensation in my stomach as I heard the words leave Alice's mouth.

"K-Kath?? She's with you?" I asked, stuttering, with my eyes wide.

Alice and Aya both looked at me. Alice gave me a warm smile as Aya smirked.

I looked back to the portal as a few soldiers walked through, with Kathlyn behind them holding a clipboard. Behind Kathlyn, several more soldiers started pouring through with supply carriages in tow.

My eyes fell on Kathlyn as I felt my heart beating faster. Her long shiny black hair flowed down freely, matching her beautiful dark eyes, which you could get lost staring into. She wore a fitted black button-up blouse that accented her chest, and a blue skirt, showing off her smooth porcelain legs. Her body had obviously become more womanly, and she was just as beautiful as the day I last saw her.

Aya's eyes were darting between Kathlyn and me as her smirk widened. Kathlyn was looking at Alice, and she gave her a nod.

"I was able to gather all the requested supplies on the list. I have them moving through now," Kathlyn said in the heavenly voice I missed.

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