Your & Your Hand

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Plot: Alex and his GF have the family cabin to themselves for a few hours while everyone else heads out. So they make the most of it.

Pairing: Alexander Skarsgård x Reader.

Warnings: Filth. Fisting & Anal.

Alex chews his lip as Bill and Gustav grab jackets to head out with their dad

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Alex chews his lip as Bill and Gustav grab jackets to head out with their dad. I'm sat desperate to try and concentrate on the book I've been reading the same page of for the last ten minutes.

Myself and Alex haven't had any alone time in almost two weeks and as much as we both adored the quiet, sensual, slow, sweaty and deep love making that had been happening almost every night; we needed something more. We both needed to let loose and today we were going to get the cabin to ourselves for a minimum of seven hours; Alex had joked with me that we wouldn't need all seven but we'd enjoy it anyway.

We had discussed watching a movie and just being with each other, alone.

There's babbling in Swedish and they finally say goodbye to which we smile and cheerily answer them with our own see-you-laters. The door closes and latches then the longest thirty seconds as the car starts and slowly drives off in the snow.

I see Alex flick his eyes to the clock and his jaw tightens a little; after less than a minute he stands and grabs my wrists, pulling me up to my feet.

"No movie?" I smirk.

"No movie!" He shakes his head and kisses me with more passion than I had felt in an age. Our sex was amazing and Alex was always passionate, don't get me wrong. This was so much more of it; pent up want and need, lust, desire and excess energy.

"Upstairs?" I break the kiss for air and take the chance to speak.

"Upstairs." Alex agrees and wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me to wrap my legs around him. He carries me through the hallway and down to our room for the stay, not bothering to close the door.

I squeak and giggle when Alex let's go of me and I slip, landing on the bed and bouncing slightly.

He grins and instantly pulls at my clothing; there is no pretence to his actions - he wants us both naked as quickly as possible and I let him know the feeling is mutual by pulling at his belt and undoing his jeans.

We're naked and entwined in each other within moments, writhing and twisting on the bed; though he isn't inside me I can feel his erection against me and I know he can feel my own arousal on his thigh.

His light moans become harsher and more frantic until he finally pins me to the bed on my back. "There's something I've wanted to do to you for so long..." his voice is rough and low.

"Oh...?" is all I can manage as his tongue flicks quickly over my nipple.

"You have mentioned it." He bites over my ribs; light enough to only leave a bruise but hard enough for that bruise to be instant and dark.

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