Here Comes The Rain

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Plot: it's a dark and stormy night... so naturally you have some fun on your room balcony.

Pairing: Reader X Alexander Skarsgård

Warnings: Smut. Nothing out of the usual. Unprotected sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM.

The thunder wasn't unexpected however the pouring rain was considering it had been a week of gorgeous weather

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The thunder wasn't unexpected however the pouring rain was considering it had been a week of gorgeous weather. The make out session had gotten hot and heavy quickly and when the rain lashed at the windows you'd both looked at each other and without speaking, the same thought had crossed your minds. It had taken seconds to remove what was left of your clothes and open the doors to the small balcony from your room.

Alex's hands had been roaming over you and once outside they didn't stop. His lips kissed over your neck and jaw while he moved you to sit on the railings.

"I'll fall!" You squeak and grip his biceps.

"No you won't." He shakes his head and grips your ass. "Wrap your legs around me."

The rain had soaked you both thoroughly in only seconds but the water was warm on your skin; you kiss him passionately and do as he says while reaching down to tease his cock over you; he was already hard in your hand and growled quietly against your lips as you touched him. "Can I help you further?" You nip his lip and smirk.

Alex wraps his arm around you and with his free hand guides his cock inside you, immediately snapping his hips and pulling you onto his full length. You wrap your arms around his shoulders pulling him tight against your body as he thrusts into you quickly making you call out; his cock hits deep on every snap of his hips and his grip on the railings turns his knuckles white.

The lightening lit up the sky over the town while the thunder rumbled a mere moment later signalling the closeness of the storm to your location. Alex pants heavily against your skin and moans, barely audible over the rain and thunder as he dips his hips and pushes into you. Raking your nails over his back you out your trust in his grip and tilt your hips, leaning back and instead gripping his arms. The angle change mixed with your understandable fear of the fall should you slip is intense.

"Oh Jesus fuck!" You call out and watch Alex watching you.

He nods and pulls you off the railing, stumbling backwards and falling through the doors to the floor. You regain your balance and crawl over him lowering yourself onto his dick and bouncing down, grinding as you land. Alex's hands scratch over your thighs and up your ribs until they reach your breasts; pinching your nipples and massaging over you.

"You look, amazing.." he rocks his hips up to you, still watching your every move.

You grind and circle your hips down groaning his name and guiding his hands to be rougher on you. "I won't break..." you pant and arch your back, again changing your angle.

Alex calls out and moves to grip your hips, holding you down on to him and bucking his hips up quickly into you. You splay your hands on Alex's chest and lean on him heavily, closing your eyes tightly and repeatedly calling out his name.

"I'm close..!" You whine and try to rock your hips but find it impossible with Alex's vice-like grip. "So...fucking close!"

He pants heavily and brings his knees up behind you, shifting you just enough. Alex watches your jaw go slack and your already tightly closed eyes crease further when your body shivers and stills then trembles; pussy tightening around his cock in waves as you cum. The sound of his name from your lips in that moment threw him over the edge and he arches off the floor, stilling inside you with his own release.

The rain soaked floor became your bed that night and while the storm calmed and passed over you couldn't deny the almost primal feelings it had stirred in you and secretly hoped for another storm soon.

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