11. Unlikely Kinship

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Hunter POV:

Over the next week Hunter rapidly became obsessed with his new wolf book, kindly gotten by Camila when she saw how animated Hunter was over the animals.

The grimwalker found these animals facinating. There were a lot of misconceptions about wolves, that they always worked alone, that they were vicious animals and not to be trusted, but Hunter found them beautiful. 

He had visited the gray wolf three times over the week; he found it comforting to talk to an animal whom he felt a fond closeness to. He missed Flapjack tremendously, and the wolf filled the hole that his little buddy left behind by proving to be a keen listener, always staring at Hunter intently whenever he would talk to them, as if giving him his full, undivided attention. However, rather than paying to get into the zoo Hunter snuck in through the bushes around the back, as he had little to no money. He nearly got caught by the guard at one point, as he had stayed with the wolf into the night and didn't realise how late it was. 

"Hey Hunter!" Luz yelled from the living room.

"Yeah?" Hunter replied, sticking his head from his room where he was absorbed in a wolf documentary.

"Can you go to the store and get some stuff for us?" Luz said, waving a shopping list in the air from the couch.

"Why can't you do it?" Hunter pouted.

"She twisted her ankle whilst trying to prove to Willow and Gus that she could stand on a football for a minute," Camila said, bustling into the room with an ice pack.

"Heh, totally worth it," Luz said with an I-regret-nothing look on her face.

"Uhh, okay," Hunter shrugged.

"How about you take someone with you to keep you company?" Camila asked, pressing the pack to Luz's ankle.

"Can I take the Cap- I mean, Willow?" Hunter said, perking up a little at the chance to spend more time with her.

"She's out at the florists getting more flowers for the garden with Gus. Don't be so disappointed, loverboy," Luz grinned as Hunter's ears drooped in disappointment. "You can take Amity."

"A-Amity?" Hunter said, flinching a little. "Actually, can I.. go alone?"

"Why, something wrong with that?" said Amity, coming from round the corner.

"Ah, no, no, it's ju-"

"Sure then, I'll go with him," Amity said, already reaching for her coat.


They walked to the store in an uncomfortable silence, often broken by faltering small talk and the pointing out of random human objects they passed. 

They got to the store and Amity used her magic to split the list in half, giving one of the halves to Hunter.

"Let's split up to get the stuff, it'll be quicker that way."

"Oh, uh, sure," Hunter shrugged.

He walked down the aisles as he picked out the items and met Amity outside where she was already waiting with her shopping bags. "Ready to go?"


They walked back in silence through a park, and Amity said suddenly, "Can we sit for a minute?" She gestured to a bench bench. "I want to talk with you."

They both sat down on the bench and Amity began.

"Look, I know you may be scared of me, and for good reason. I know me and you have never been... close... but I want to be your friend Hunter. I know you're a good person. And I know I can be difficult at times. I just don't want you to be afraid of me because for my entire life everyone below my 'popularity status' was afraid of me. Because I was this popular smart witch. And I thought that was what I wanted. But in reality I could barely make any friends because of it, so I became closed off.

"But then Luz showed up. Ever since she met me, she had never been scared of me. She never hesitated to stand up to me to protect Willow, King or Gus, and she never stopped trying to befriend me, no matter how many times I pushed her away... I was an idiot back then. But I'm trying to change, and prove I'm not just an intimidating, cold witch that looks down on everyone." She laughed softly. "Sorry I'm rambling, that probably makes no sense."

"No. It does."

Amity looked up from staring intently at her lap.

"When I was the Golden Guard, all I ever wanted was to be respected and admired, and to gain Belos's approval. But it was all in vain, as it never gave been the satisfaction I thought it would.. and similar to you, a certain human walked into my life and turned it upside down.

"Luz never gave up on me either, I didn't realise it then, but that was the tipping point into be questioning everything. And I met the Captain... heh, she would message me daily when I was still in the Coven. She was the one who never was scared of me, like how Luz was never scared of you. And remember the day we met, in Eclipse Lake?"

Amity nodded. "When you tried to kill me? Mhm, yes, vividly."

"You told me to surround myself with the right people, to open up, and I remembered that advice. I followed it."


"Yeah. It gave me hope, y'know? That I would eventually find the right people. And y'know what? I did. So, I guess I should thank you, Blight. As I said months ago, we're more alike than you think."

Amity smiled. "This time, I'm glad that we are."

They sat together, watching the sunset for a while, content in each others company, and a new era of their friendship shining on the horizon.


HELLOOOOOOOO my lovely readers!!

I just want to let you know that I have started a new Huntlow fanfiction! It's called Flowers for Him and it's a flower shop AU! So if you want a bit more frequent uploads, I would recommend tuning in for that!

Also sorry for the lack of Huntlow in this chapter, I just felt inclined to make a fluffy Hunter and Amity chapter to give them some closure to their friendship, the next chapter will be more Huntlow, I promise!

K baiiii~


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