7. Flower Crowns

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Hunter POV:

It had been a few days after the gang had crash-landed in the Human Realm, and everyone had been exploring and adapting to their surroundings. Hunter, however, had other things on his mind. 

He had been pondering over his talk with Luz and Amity for while, and whilst he was in his room he educated himself on the "computer" on the idea of romance and relationships, and so far he has watched 3 romcoms and read 1 and a half romance novels. He was doing pretty good, if he does say so himself. He just needs to compose himself for his run with Willow, as he was a complete mess around her at the mall the other day, but thankfully it didn't look like she noticed.

"Hey slowpoke!" Willow yelled from downstairs, snapping Hunter out of his thoughts. "You ready or what?"

"Uh, I'm c-coming!" Hunter yelled back, cringing at his voice crack. Titan, get a grip! Hunter scolded himself. It's just a run, not a date or anything.

A few minutes later, he and Willow were on their jog, with some sort of device strapped to Hunter's leg to ensure they wouldn't get lost, and to map out the jog that Hunter had planned the day before.

"Hey, Hunter," Willow spoke as they ran. "You've been kind of quiet lately."

"I hAve!?" Hunter blurted out. "I mean.. I have?" 

"Yeah, and I think I know why."

"You... you do?" Hunter said tentitavely. Does she know? Have I been that obvious?

"Yeah... we all feel anxious about this new world Hunter, it's okay to feel nervous about it. But just talk to me if you feel that way, alright?"

"Oh! Yeah, okay..!" Hunter breathed a sigh of relief. Thank Titan.

"Race you to the far tree!" Willow cried, bolting off up the pavement.

"Hey! No fair, you got a head start!" Hunter yelled, running after her.

Eventually he caught up with the witch and overtook her, narrowly reaching the tree before her.

"Ha!" Hunter cried triumphantly, punching his fist in the air. "I win, Captain!"

"Psh," Willow scoffed, with a slight grin on her face. "You have the advantage of having longer legs than me, Mister! I can't help that I'm short!"

"That's true, I'm waaaay taller than you, but plus, you had a head start, you cheater!"

"Pfft, shut up you dork!" Willow laughed, punching Hunter's arm affectionately.

They continued to laugh and joke as they jogged further, until they had arrived at a field full of flowers and dandilions, illuminated by the sun. 

"Well, here we are," Hunter folded his arms, smiling as Willow gasped. 

"Oh my Titan, Hunter, this is beautiful! Did you plan this?" She turned to Hunter looking radiant.

"Well, I kinda went out last night to plan out our jog and stumbled across this, and thought you would like it," Hunter mumbled, bashfully looking down turning pink from Willow's ecstatic expression and scuffing his feet across the dusty pavement. "Do you?"

"Like it? I love it!" Willow squealed, grabbing Hunter's hand (he immediately turned crimson) and pulling him to the field.

They ran around laughing for ages like little kids, and collapsed laughing onto the sheet of flowers stretching as far as the eye can see, throats sore but their hearts soaring.

Willow babbled on and on about the wonderful flowers she had never seen before as she made flower crowns for herself and Hunter as he listened, not understanding a lot of what she said but just loving to hear the sound of her voice regardless. 

It was almost sunset when Willow and Hunter arrived back at Camila's house, still chatting animatedly to each other, and as they entered the door they saw Gus on the couch watching the TV. 

"Oh, hey guys! You've been gone a whi-" Gus paused. "Are those... flower crowns?"


Aaaaaand chapter 7 is doooone!

Sorry it took a while yet again, I don't really have an excuse this time, but hopefully chapters will be out at a more quicker pace, not promising anything hahahah-

ANYgays please pray for me guys I'm going back to school tmr and I'm not ready ;v; Send words of encouragement and vote on this chapter please and thank you 🤲

See you whenever the next chapter is out, byeeeeee~


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