Part 2 - Roommate

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Regrettably, I'm running late today and don't have the luxury of sitting down to enjoy pancakes.

"Oh look who the cat dragged out, Aren't you going to eat?
Hanna questions with a slight smirk on her face
while I head to grab my purse from the hallway vanity.

"I'm so sorry Hanna but I'm running really late. But thank you so much I do appreciate it" I reply apolitically but eventually find the right sensible action to return her gift by moving towards her and placing a warm kiss on her right cheek

She had an obvious pout on her face. Like a sad puppy who's been deprived of joy.
Guilt washes over me almost immediately
So to cheer her up and turn that frown upside down I take a big bite of the pancake.
I try to speak with the piece of pancake in my mouth. And a drip of maple syrup running down my lip.

Her face brightens at my expression
She replies, Handing me a tissue on my way out.

I smile

"Bye Love you"
I head out of the apartment giving her one final kiss before doing so.

Hanna practically screams from behind the door
"Love you too don't forget to ask that hot milf boss of yours if she's single for me will you!."
I roll my eyes this bitch can't be serious right now.


Walking in downtown New York during the cold chilling early mornings of October with a warm furry coat wrapped around you like a blanket and the smell of brewed coffee coming from every Café that surrounded the busy street of New York— it's perhaps one of the most therapeutic experiences one can savor. At least, that's how it feels to me."

But unfortunately I don't have the luxury of enjoying the scenery as eventually I make it to the Cafe.

Crystal Chai Chateau. The most expensive Cafe in New York and also the only one my boss approves of, my boss has fine taste when it comes to culinary practises, it must be of the utmost premium high-end delicacy and since her prestige taste in coffee cant be replicated anywhere in the world she established her own Cafe, an entire business dedicated to catering for her taste in brew with the best coffee alchemists to make it.

And since it's so premium and only the richest can afford you don't find a huge crowd of middle-class citizens lining up to get their brew early in the morning

I make it in time to order my boss to go to order which isn't all that hard to mistake since it's the most popular drink on the menu: The Diamond Espresso Royale. Crafted with a rare blend of single-origin beans from the high-altitude estates of the Andes. Read that somewhere on Wikipedia I think.


I take a deep breath once again, it's become a habit of mine to panic every time I'm in close proximity to my boss's office.

Surprisingly this time opening her colossal door has started to become easier. As I gently make my way inside her office, I notice she is once again clinging to her laptop

I make no attempt to disturb her since that would be a death wish I do not intend on experimenting with. so I gently walk towards her desk and place the coffee on it.

Her expression has a light shock on it, so she just noticed my existence.

"Here you go, your brew just how you like it".
I say lightly trying to not look like a creep who just appeared at her desk unannounced.

Tempting the Boss (gxg)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ