Prologue 3- A Dismissive Ranking

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🐘Kalim's POV🐘
              My eyes had widened as the body of a very skinny man slowly started to appear from the back of Lady Shabana. In all honesty, it looked really weird to see how this man, just formed out of her back. Her ceremonial robes were all burnt revealing her more questionable outfit. But that wasn't my main concern...

I glanced around in worry as gasping in shock was mostly what i could hear. The headmage dropped lady Shabana's body as this figure, managed to catch her. Everyone in the room grew silent as we stared at this either new friend or foe. As he sets Lady Shabana's body down gently, he turned his eyes to look straight at us.

"Who dares to hurt her...WHO DARES TO HURT MY LITTLE SISTER!!" he screamed looking at us all with a glare that felt like we were suffocating. Silence fell upon the room as nobody dared to say a word to this intimidating man. As this kinda ugly (Not to be rude to him in any way) looking man glared at us all with a look of pure rage. "So no one's willing to speak up...fine, I can work with that...I'LL JUST KILL ALL OF YOU!!! REMEMBER IT WAS GYUTARO WHO SENT YOU ALL TO HELL!!!!!" he yelled forming some sort of sickle made of flesh in his hands.

The sound of panic could be heard throughout the mirror chamber. I glanced around looking at some others for a few moments. I noticed that some were bracing for impact, and some grabbing their magic pens. My gaze and attention was then brought back when i heard "ONII-CHAN!! PLEASE STOP THIS!!!" Looking at the one who had stopped this scary man, my eyes widened as it was lady Shabana and gasped at the sight of her face. "L-lady Shabana?!?" yelled the headmage in question. Looking at the beautiful woman made my heart shatter...Her once beautiful face was half covered in burns and scars across the right side of her face, her right eye looks like it's about to bulged right out of her head almost like it was gonna fall out.

             The scary man's eyes seem to widened as he kneeled down putting his weapons away as he holds her face wiping away the tears that threated to fall down her face

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       The scary man's eyes seem to widened as he kneeled down putting his weapons away as he holds her face wiping away the tears that threated to fall down her face. "Hey now, it's no good crying, you know? Is that a burn on your face? Look here. You need to take care of your face, since you were born with such a pretty face." As he wipes her tears away from her beautiful face, her flesh starts healing almost like magic was being used. After dealing with the crying lady, he turned towards us almost summoning his weapons again when lady Shabana grabs onto his arms.

"Onii-chan don't hurt them...they didn't mean to hurt me...please.." she sniffled. Now looking at her brother, he signed as he then announced to everyone in the room. "If anyone of you boys hurts a single hair on her won't be around to see the light of day or night again..." As the headmage walked back over to the siblings most likely having dealt with the flaming cat whose name was I think grin? Or gim? Wait no...IT'S GRIM.

"Lady Shabana, Was I not clear that you are expected to take responsibility for your familiar? Now discipline your- what's that? It isn't yours?" . Her brother glared at the headmage as miss Shabana answered still holding onto her brothers arm. "I've never seen that creature before in my whole life. Besides I would never have a familiar that sets ME ON FIRE!!!" she answered yelling at the headmage. "Oh...I-is that so?" the headmage stutters under the glare of Lady Shabana's brother.

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