Chapter 11

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Steve moved his body forward and slowly got closer to the ground.

Grabing the knife tighter in his hands he quickly ran behind the tree and slashed at it.

"Wow! Fast now are we?" Steve stopped.

"You again?"

The person smiled a bit. "Am only doing my job."

"Chasing me around like a lost puppy?" Steve said, resting his hands on his hips.

The person laughed. "No , but I do have to follow you."

"Listen, am not coming back to you stupid cult."

"You had so much fun in that stupid cult."

Steve shut his mouth the person was right. He had so much fun with those people. He laugh and played games with them. Killed with them. He was happy.

He didn't think he had the right to call them stupid. Especially when he was a part of it.

Steve put his knife back into his pocket. Looking at the person he so much despised. Showing up here.

"The answer is no."

"For now but later, it will be a yes. Goodbye."

Like that the person disappeared. Steve held the side of his head in frustration.

Soon the sound of a alarm rang through the hills. All the way to his ears. The alarms? Did someone get in!

Steve ran. Who got in? What if they hurt someone. He ran down the hill as fast as he could. Tankmen where lined up with guns. Shooting in all directions.

"Oh no....."

Assassin's Instinct (Tankman x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now