Chapter 7

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Steve woke up, and looked around his room, not really remembering how he got there. Then it popped into his head. He was was put to bed by his own captain.

Steve wanted to punch him. He looked around his room to be met with John sitting in his chair. Sleep.

Steve thought about just choking him to death, but he decided against it. He got up from his bed and felt light. He didn't even feel like he had touched the floor.

He held onto the bed think he might fall. He looked down to make sure he was a standing on actually solid ground.

Once he felt safe. He stood straight and headed for the door.

"Were do you think your going?" A gruff voice came from the chair where his captain sat. Steve turned around to see John staring at him, so the blank stare turned into a glare.

"Am going outside, is there a problem?" He glared back at John. John stood up and walked over to Steve. He towered over him and grab him by the wrist.

"You've been up for days, you need sleep. So go back to bed. You have nothing to do."

Steve unattached himself from John's grip. He looked up st him for a little longer. There was so much hate, the tension filled the air.

"Am fine." Steve said as he reached for the door handle. John got to it first, Steve looked up up him. There face we so close together, Steve had just noticed till now.

Steve composed himself, take a deep breath and ignore there closeness. He pushed John back and ran out the door, after a few seconds he heard other footsteps following him.


John yelled as he ran after Steve.

Steve kept running. He ran around corners, dodged tankmans and was having the most fun in his life. He soon forgot what he was running from and just wanted keep running.

Tankmans yelled at him but he didn't care. Soon he was outside,then he stopped. There was a war happening.

Down the dirt mountain there base was on, was blood and bullets flew through the air. Tankmans losing there lives, aswell as the enemy. Steve was angry, he always had fun when when he toke down the enemy.

Blood all over the place, the enemy screaming for their life. Telling him they were forced to do it. Steve nontheless didn't care.

 He balled his fists up, he wanted to be down there, but he knew that John would just catch him. He sat on the dirt and watched like it was a TV show that he hadn't seen in years.

A smile spreading onto his face, as he watched the enemies lose to their army. It was funny how they don't try to fight even when there losing.

He watched silently. He loved the view. Aswell as the screams.

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