Chapter 60: Prank Gone Wrong

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(I changed my theme to black and I have Wattpad on dark mode so it's hard to see shit right now😂😂😂)


I didn't sleep. And I'm pissed like a fucking bull with a rider on the back. If I knew how loud Snooki was when she was having sex I would have went to bed a thousand years ago. And the best part. She had me and Jenni get up at 7:30 in the morning. Do I look like a morning person to you?

"They better have mimosa at this breakfast because if they don't I'm going back to Jersey." Snooki says as we leave.

We reached the cafe and was sat down in a small booth. The minute I sat down my head hit the table and I was in this half sleep conscious. "Thank you guys for coming with me." Snooki says.

"Anything for you. We'll spend the whole together even though one of us is probably sleep right now." Jenni says and I know she's referring to me.

"Do you agree with me that Jionni sucks?" She asked her and Jenni hums in agreement. After that was said I blacked out.


Jenni had to wake me up after a while and we went sight seeing. Nicole was all hyper and shit as she tells everyone good morning in Italian. I was walking 30 feet behind them. I don't know how I didn't lose them. Maybe because I just followed Snooki's loud voice but I don't really care. She gets excited over the littlest things.

We stopped at a wine store and buys this big ass 1981 bottle that is almost the same height as her. It was Chianti.

"I had plans with that Chianti. But god damn these cobblestone street and their wobbly ass roads."

I watch from afar as Snooki's bad tipped over and her big ass wine bottle break on impact as all the wine spill out onto the street.


We made it home and the first thing I did was take my shoes off and go to my room and sleep............

BUT that didn't last for long.

5 minutes in I am up and walking out my room and I got the chance to watch Nicole chance after Mike hitting him as he runs around in a circle trying to get away. I moved to stand by the entrance of the kitchen as I watched with my head against the wall exhausted.

"Stop getting in my business, you motherfucker!" She yells at him. "I'm not even kidding Mike!"

She then starts to throw water bottles at his head as she starts to get closer and he was backing away.

Mike back up towards me and Snooki was by the table that had our alcohol bottles. She picked a bottle up and right before she chucked it at Mike, he dipped in the kitchen. The bottle got tossed at the wall next to me.

"Any other day I would be scared and probably pissed out my mind that someone threw a bottle at me. But I looked so dead to the world I was that exhausted."

Pauly quickly got up and picked me up to get me away since I didn't really react much to the bottle getting thrown near me.

Nicole chased Mike into the kitchen and he continues to dodge stuff as she throws it at him.

"Why the fuck did you give Unit Jionni's number and have him tell Jionni about what we been doing?" She screamed.

"That's not what I did. You wanna know what I did? Sam overheard me say—" Before Mike can finish Snooki threw another water bottle at him  and he didn't move since it went over his head. "Will you please listen to me?" He begged.

"I don't like you. I fucking hate you right now." Snooki says as she tries to throw more stuff at him.

Vinny stepped in and blocked Nicole. "Come on, he didn't do it, he was joking." Vinny reveals. I rolled my eyes. A joke that could have put his ass back in the hospital.

"That's not a funny fucking joke." Sam says.

"Who would fucking say that then?" Nicole asked. "It's not funny!"

"Well, you need to ask somebody. Don't listen from the peanut gallery. Ask people first! 'Cause I didn't make no fucking phone call." Mike screamed matching the energy in the room.

"Then why would you go around saying that?" Sam asked raising her voice as well.

"Why are you fucking talking shit? Stay out of it! Let her ask first!" Mike yelled at her.

"Why would you say that to me?" Snooki asked Sam.

"Don't look at me like that Nicole, he fucking said it!" Sam yelled

From what I've been gathering. Mike pulled a prank to prove his point that Snooki needs to stop listening to her girlfriends about what he says behind her back, and that Sam and Deena are rats.

Nicole had enough and went up to the balcony. Mike went to follow her but was met with a screeching Nicole telling him to leave her alone.

"I didn't come to Italy to witness more drama with my roommates. I came to have a good time and to visit my family here before I have to go back to the States. Be careful with who you room with people."

"Can I go back to bed now? My fucking foot hurts." I asked.

Pauly and the boys looked down and just stared my feet like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"We gotta take you to the hospital, Tina." Pauly told me as he grabs a pair of car keys.

"Why?" I asked and I too look down at my feet. Oh. I got pieces of glass sticking out my foot.


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