From Knives to Pens - Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

“I’m so sorry Willow! I didn’t see you!” Zack apologises getting up from the floor. I push myself up onto my elbows and shake my head.

“Don’t worry Zack, it’s my fault. Just carry on with what you were doing.” I gasp out. Ow my ribs.  Zack looks worried but he carries on up the stairs.

I stand up and slowly make my way to the kitchen. Mum’s sat at the table with a cup of coffee. I go to the cupboard and get out a cup. I make myself a drink and make my way to the table.

I sit opposite Mum and for a minute we both drink in silence.

“Hadn’t you better be getting ready for school?” Mum asks.

When Andy said we would see each other today I didn’t think about school. I still can’t believe last night wasn’t a dream. It felt too good to be real. This is why I can’t miss out on any more time with Andy, he made me feel happy and I forgot everything. And soon he’ll be back in America and I won’t see him again.

I shake my head. “I don’t feel up to it.” I say, knowing it’s not a lie but not the full truth either.

“What’s wrong?” She asks looking slightly doubtful. I look down into my cup.

“My ribs are still sore.” I say. I see Mum nod out of the corner of my eye and I lift my head.

“I guess going to that concert didn’t help last night.” She mumbles. I nod although I don’t regret going to the concert in the slightest. It was the best night of my life.

“I think I’ll go back to bed.” I say and rise from the table. Mum nods and takes a sip of her coffee. I put my cup in the sink and leave the room.

I stop halfway to the stairs when I hear my name being called. Mum emerges from the kitchen. I turn fully to face her.

“I’ll be going out later job hunting so if you need anything you’ll have to do it yourself. Sorry.” Mum says and I nod. My head starts to spin with thoughts. Maybe I could meet Andy while she’s out.

I turn back around and head up the stairs. I stop at the door of Zack’s room and I knock.

“Come in.” His voice calls from within and I enter. I see him stuffing books into his backpack aggressively.

“Woah Zack! What’s wrong?” I say, concerned. I step closer to him. He looks up, still stuffing things into his bag.

“Nothing. I’m fine.” He says and looks back down. Satisfied that he’s packed everything, he zips up the bag and hoists it onto his shoulder.  He walks past me and out of the room.

“Zack!” I call after him and he stops to face me. “I’m not feeling great so I’m staying home today. Are you ok on your own?”

He looks worried but nods. My heart goes out to him and I feel so guilty. I hate myself for being so selfish. I watch as he walks down the stairs.

I make my way to my room and I lie on my bed. I look at my phone and see I have a new message. I take it from my bedside table and look at the message.

I’ll be at your house in an hour. If last night wasn’t the best night of your life then tonight will be! Be prepared! ;) Andy

I smile as I read it. Both nerves and excitement begin to swirl around my stomach. Then what he said really kicks in. I have an hour to get ready for a day with Andy Biersack! I jump off of my bed and look down at what I’m wearing. I’m wearing a pair of faded black jeans and an Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt. The shirt can stay but the jeans need changing. I grab my jeans from last night off the floor and pull them on.

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