From Knives to Pens - Chapter 11

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A/N: A lot of things get revealed in this chapter, so I'm excited about sharing it with you! I really hope you like it! Ciara x

Chapter 11 Andy’s POV:

I watch as CC puts his arm around Willow’s shoulders and takes her to the bus. I smile loving the fact that she’s here with us, coming to London. I love seeing her happy and hate seeing her cry. I want her to be free of whatever pain she seems to carry with her. I can imagine it must be hard without her Dad around; I can’t even begin to think about life without my Dad. It’s too painful to even think about. He’s been such a big part of my life and helped me to discover who I am. I can only think that Willow’s Dad was as big a part of her life as my Dad is in mine.

I’m shaken from my thoughts by Jake’s voice. “What happened back there? She looked pretty distraught.”

I look up at my friend. He looks confused and slightly worried.

“She had some things she had to sort out before she could come with us. She’s lost her Dad and things back home don’t seem good.” I think back to her house and the look on her face when she was telling me about her Dad.

“Oh God. I didn’t realise things were that bad.” Jake says looking shocked and I see Jinxx and Ashley’s expressions looking similar.

“Yeah… She really needs a break.” I sigh sadly. I hate that Willow’s going through such a tough time, what with her Dad’s passing and the attack a few days ago.

“Sounds it.” Jinxx says quietly. “Poor girl.”

“Whatever you do don’t say that to her face. She doesn’t take sympathy well.” I laugh sadly remembering her running away from me yesterday. I’m glad she didn’t continue to avoid me.

We make our way onto the bus and we hear CC giving Willow a tour. Me, Jinxx, Ashley and Jake sit on the sofa and wait for them to join us. When they do they’re both laughing and I feel a stir of something unexpected inside of me. I push it down, refusing to acknowledge its existence and smile at them. Willow sits down beside me and whispers in my ear. “Thank you.”

I smile at her. “Thanks for being here. I know it was hard.” I say softly. She nods somberly.

“But I’m glad I’m here.” She says smiling.


On the way to London we watch a few films (what other way are you supposed to spend a three hour long journey but watching Batman?) and joke around. CC makes us all laugh as always.

We all get to know Willow better and learn that she has a twelve year old brother called Zack and she’s seventeen. The band listen intently as she describes the torment she’s gone through at school and the attack that happened a few days ago. I see the look of shock on their faces and I hate hearing all the torment she’s endured. I wish I could have helped her through it, but I know it’s made her who she is today. And I’m here for her now.

She tells us of the dreadful bullying her brother’s going through. I hear us take a collected sharp breath when we hear the things that have been said. I can see the sadness on her face as she tells us about her life. I put my arm around her as she talks and she looks up at me appreciatively.  I see she has a few tears in her eyes but she’s too strong to let them out. I admire her bravery and strength.

Once she’s finished telling us about her torment we all sit in stunned silence. I thought when I first saw her that she had a story to tell, but never one this full of pain. My heart goes out to her.

“Have you told anyone about this?” Jake asks looking concerned.

“I’ve only told my Mum about the attack, not even my brother knows.” She says sadly. “I didn’t call the police because they won’t do anything about it. It will only make things worse.”

From Knives to PensTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon