11.) Prospect Avenue

Start from the beginning

"You okay?" I barely heard Jaxons whisper from my thoughts. I quickly nodded, placing the last suitcase next to the others. 

"It's all of the cameras isn't it?" He asked, readjusting his sweatpants. 

I nodded, looking around once more. I could feel my palms start to sweat, and the walls starting to shrink.

"I wouldn't worry about them." Ryder was suddenly behind me with Riley close behind. "My dad's a paranoid schizoid." He sighed, running his hand through his hair. "But if it bothers you that much, you could just leave."

"N-no I-" I stuttered, suddenly not able to find the right words. That wasn't what I wanted to say, I just couldn't muster up the the f and the u to say fuck you to him.

"She's staying." Riley butted in. "Right Jas?" I could tell her eyes were pleading for me to stay. I looked back at Ryder who's eyes read anything but happy. He didn't care if I stayed with him or slept on the streets, and I didn't dare take a peak at Jaxon. The pain I would feel if he seemed unbothered would only hurt me. 

So I ran. I ran past Riley and Ryder back to the front door. I ran down the drive way, past Ryders parked car, past the neighbors house and the next. I can't tell you why I was running, because I couldn't tell you myself. All I know is that everybody has a flight or flight and I was now flighting. 

Why stick around people who are only pretending to care? Why stick around and worry about whether Rileys feelings were genuine? Why care for a boy who would never reciprocate those feelings? And be forced to be around a boy who can't stand to breath the same air as me? Why put myself through that?


I hugged myself, sitting on the bench at the bus stop. I had nowhere to go, and fifty missed calls from Riley. Two from Jaxon, and zero from Ryder. As expected. I know I just met them, but it's hard meeting new people. It's different for me, because I get so attached so quickly. I search for love in everybody I meet. I search for validation.

I search for the feelings I never got from my parents. Yet nobody can seem to return them. Riley didn't really want me to stay. She couldn't care less either. All she cares about is Ryder and his perfect messy hair, his perfect teeth, perfect life, and perfect house with those perfect cameras, and perfect everything! She. Doesn't. Need. You. My thoughts spoke for me. 

And they were right. She doesn't. She has someone else now. And I have nobody. I shivered, rubbing my hands together. I really should've checked the weather before leaving so dramatically. Looking down at my clothes I notice my tank top strap had a tear in it, probably from running for so long. 

I yank at my spandex, pulling them further down my thighs for warmth. I can't go back now. Even if I have to freeze to death. That would just be embarrassing, but I would be lying if I said not a single part of me wanted to run back and apologize to Riley. I was never there when she needed me, and now here I am at a bus stop on Prospect. 

If I ever wanted to die, this would be a great place to come. Hundreds of prostitute disappearances, shootings, and gang violence flooded these streets. Kansas City is a mixture of everything. The rich, the poor, the middle class folks, the gangs, the sex workers, the gambling, the police brutality, everything. And let's just say that this street is not a 'safe' part of the mix. 

"Hey shorty. What's up with you?" A dark man started stalking towards me. I jumped, watching him approach me quickly. I stood up, pointing at my chest to see if he was talking to me. He was now speed walking in my direction, but I couldn't move. If I left prospect I'd be on an even worse street, and even more lost. 

Before I knew it the man was directly in front of me. I could finally see his white lips, the color of copy paper. His rotten yellow teeth, and his black patchy beard. Along with his hairline that seemed like it had been shaved back a little too far. 

"You so pretty girl." He gripped one of my nipples with his thumb and pointer finger. Adrenaline rushed through my veins, causing me to jump back, smacking his hand away. "Don't touch me." I gritted, moving back to the bench to grab my phone. Before I could grip it, the man snatched it from the seat. 

I held in a yell, swinging my arm to grab it from him, but he was too fast. He smiled sheepishly, as if mocking me at my sad attempts. Who the hell does this guy think he is? Stealing my phone? 

I kept reaching for it as he moved too quick each time, before spotting something in the waist of his pants. I couldn't see much due to the darkness, but I knew I could grab it. 

I reached forward with him thinking I was still going to reach for my phone, I grabbed the thing in his waist. I gripped it, pulling it out and showing it for him to see. "Now give me my phone back." I demanded.

His eyes widened at me, slowly taking a few steps back. "Hey!" I yelled at him, to stop but before I could say anything else he was gone. He ran as quick as a fox down the dark, scary street. 

I wanted to slap myself at a horrible excuse for a plan. I'm freezing my ass off and now I'm phone less, with a gun! My life can't get any worse. 


Ryders POV:

"God, you're a fucking idiot!" Jaxon yelled at me, and Riley won't stop crying in my ear. I didn't even do anything wrong she's clearly just too sensitive. 

"I didn't tell her to leave! I just told her to make a choice!" I yelled back at him. He's the whipped one! Why does he even care if she stays or not? I understand Riley, but not him. 

I stopped at yet another red light and still not a single sight of Jasmine. I grunted, rubbing Rileys thigh in the passenger seat. She wouldn't stop crying. My heart throbbed in pain from seeing her likes this, and I'm the reason she feels this way. That didn't sit right with me at all. "It's gonna be okay Riley. We are going to find her, I promise." I tried my best at soothing her.

I dropped my head in my hands as her cries only got louder. "God! Please shut up!" Jaxon yelled at Riley from the backseat. I whipped my head around quickly giving him a death glare, while continuing to rub Rileys thigh. 

"Don't ever tell my girl to shut up. You got that?" I shot back at him. His jaw clenched like he wanted to say something, but he kept his mouth shut, and stared out the window. Probably looking for Jasmine. And he better keep his mouth shut. 

I turned back to the street, driving through the green light. I decided to take a turn onto Prospect avenue. 


I slam my foot on the break, startled from the ear piercing scream coming from Riley. "What the fuc- I didn't get to finish before Riley jumped out of the car and into oncoming traffic. I reached for her shirt, but she was too fast for me to grab her.


People say there is a voice in the darkness. Some people claim the voice guides them out. What do you do when the voice begs you to stay?

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