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Regulus x Fem!Reader

Requested by Anon​

December event

Walburga Black took one look at your red dress and the way your hair had been made up, by your mother for hours, and scoffed. "Too many Gryffindors in this house." She said and immediately moved on.

Your mother had refused to come but had stated that she would have you looking so fine that there was nothing that Walburga could complain about. The Malfoy family was throwing a winter party. The ceiling had been spelled to look like a snow flurry and beautiful ornaments flew about the air above your head. As you looked around you collided with Regulus who spun you around and hurried you off down a corridor.

"Come on! We have to get the good treats in the kitchen before my uncle." He said. The two of you hurried to the kitchen where several house elves were rushing around with food. He snatched up a few treats and the two of you hurried outside. With a mouthful blocking a giggle you immediately came across Sirius and his friends. He and Regulus swapped playful insults as you passed by. Sirius and his company snuck off and away through a large hedge saying they'd find their way home. You and Regulus snuck off rough the side of the house.
"I'm glad you came. I was worried that you wouldn't. I'd have to face this lot alone." He muttered.

"Do you not spend the entire year with this lot at Hogwarts?" You asked. He grinned and nodded.

"Yes. Exactly. Which is why when I'm not there I should get to spend as much time away from them as I can." Regulus finished his snacks and leaned against the wall behind him. It had started to snow again and you watched the drift fall for a while. Music from inside flowed out and fell thick on the snow seeming to amplify.

"We should dance." You said suddenly. Regulus complained as you grabbed at his hand.

"No! No! If I wanted to be made to dance I would have stayed inside." He complained. You laughed and started hopping about and waving your arms quite madly. Regulus laughed until he was clutching his sides and surrendered. The two of you danced for a good hour, spinning and twirling until your feet hurt. When you were done you both slowly headed back towards the kitchen door.

"You know. We could sneak away too. My mother found an advert for this fancy outdoor picture show. It's a very old muggle film. It sounds fascinating." You said quickly. Regulus glanced towards the house and sighed. "She's having a drink with a friend in the pub down the road and said to meet her there if I wanted to go or she'd pick me up later on."

"My mother will blow her top with me and Sirius gone but why not." He grabbed at your hand and the two of you hurried towards the gap in the hedge. Pushing through you both ran to the end of the lane and headed to the pub. Naturally, you found where Sirius and his friends had skulked off too. Your mother waved you over and said goodbye to her friend when you explained that Regulus wanted to join you.

"We better get going then. Oh, I hear it'll be so much fun." She said as she led you both outside. She apparated the pair of you along to a very large open field with a massive screen at one end. She produced tickets and was led to a large box-like seat right in the middle of the field. Once the three of you were settled in she produced several blankets from her bag that never seemed to empty and you all snuggled in. You rested your head on your mother's shoulder while you held Regulus' hand under the blanket the two of you were sharing.

"You know. I have tickets for the next night. But I won't be able to go. Perhaps you two would be able to come together?" She offered as the film started.

"Oh, that would be fun. Right, Regulus?" You asked.

"Yes. That would be fun. We'll have to remember the blankets though." He said and smiled at you when you pulled a second blanket over him.

"Oh, dear. Are you cold? I have more blankets." Your mother said before pulling four more blankets, a full duvet set, pillows included and a beach umbrella. To avoid a flurry of snow she had said. 

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