Winter kiss

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Regulus x Fem!Reader

Requested by Anon​

December event

The air was cold but there was still no snowfall. You bundled up and took a blanket outside to finish up the last of your homework to do over the holidays. Hogwarts seemed oddly bare with the tree stripped of their leaves for winter without its blanket of snow.

"What're you doing out here alone?" Regulus asked as he walked by. You frowned at him and pointed at your books. "You're doing that now when you could be having some fun?"

"Well some of us don't like to leave everything until the last day of the holidays." You said and smiled as he welcomed himself on your blanket.

"I would have thought you'd be going to the holiday party. They have that drink you like so much from what I hear." He said as he lounged in the weak winter sunlight.

"I don't want to go to that." You muttered and pouted a little. When you looked up from your work Regulus was frowning at you.

"Why not? Did you upset that Evans girl that hangs around with Sirius and his friends again?" he asked and chuckled.

"No! I didn't. We made up." You insisted. He nodded and sat up a little. "No one will kiss me. Even with all this mistletoe around."

"No one will kiss you?" Regulus asked as he laughed at you. You smacked at his shoulder and he reached out, pinching your face between his fingers and cooing at you mockingly. "Oh dear, you can't get a kiss! With all this mistletoe around. Poor (Y/N)."

"Regulus! Reg. Stop!" You said through a laugh. He chuckled and pulled his wand from his jacket and held it over your head. You looked up and watched a sprig of mistletoe grow from the end.

"If I kiss you under the mistletoe will you come to the party with me? It'll be recklessly boring without you to gossip in the corner with." He said as he leaned in.

"But I want to finish this." You complained. He laughed and shrugged.

"Alright, I'll give you a kiss and then in ten minutes, you have to come with me to the party. You're almost done anyway." Regulus said and smiled when you huffed.

"Very well. But I won't be drinking anything your brother concocts. He made half of the Hufflepuffs sick for a week on Halloween." You said and he nodded. He gave you ten minutes, playing with the mistletoe as it drifted around over the two of you. Once you were done you packed everything up. Looking up you watched as Regulus drifted the mistletoe over your head and when you looked down he had leaned in. Your eyes fluttered shut as he pressed his lips sweetly to yours and slowly pulled away. Gasping as your eyes opened your eyes you looked up to see that the sky was filled with soft snowflakes.

"Come on. Let's get inside before we get covered in snow!" Regulus said as he reached for your hand and pulled you up. He bundled up your blanket, wearing it like a cape as you put your papers in your satchel and the two of you hurried back inside.

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