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She turned up at the gates behind her mother slowly revealing herself to the man infront of her. Upon seeing her he widened his eyes slightly, shocked to see such a young girl in such a situation.

The dead begun to notice that neither Maeve or her mother were one of them. Sighing the girl took out her long sword taking out the nearby dead ones. The man behind the gate seemed to notice her mother was injured however he made no haste of making it to the gate.

"Get behind me Maeve" Michonne whispered before passing out in the middle of the field.The woman fell to the floor causing Maeve to lose focus and get tackled by one of the dead ones.

Suddenly the thing above her fell limp, she shoved it off her noticing the gate opening. The man from earlier shot multiple of the things, while a boy (who Maeve assumed was his son) rushed to grab the basket of baby formula Michonne was carrying earlier.

"Is she bit?" An old man called out from the gate. Maeve had no idea what to say so she stood up quickly grabbing her sword in the process. Standing her ground.

"Gunshot." The man bluntly said, he picked Michonne up and was about to walk off before he turned around due to the younger boy asking "what do we do with her?"

"Follow us." The man said.

Maeve hesitantly followed them not even sparing them a nod in return. She still held her sword in hand just in case. Her trust in people was running extremely thin these days.

"Carl get a blanket." The man yelled, hoisting Michonne onto the floor "we need water and a towel. Neither of them are coming in the cell blocks."

"Your mother is going to be okay." An older man said with a sad smile patting Maeve on the back. She didn't reply verbally but she nodded her head in acknowledgment.

"Hey it's alright look at me," the man said hovering over Michonne "who are you?"

The woman was in a daze, breathing heavily and glaring around wide eyed seeming looking for her daughter, who was crouched next to a table narrowing her eyes at the man.

She reached out for her sword but the man kicked it away, this caused Maeve to reach for her own sword hovering a hand over it just in case.

"We are not going to hurt you, or your daughter okay? Unless you try something stupid first." He said.

"Rick." The older man called from the other side of the room gesturing to Maeve who was now standing in a fighting stance. Two men joined the group, one looking older than the other.

"Who the hell are these people?" The older man said in a gruff voice. "Yeah what happened to no more new people." The younger one said arms crossed.

The man who Maeve now knew was knows as Rick glanced back and forth between the two new guests "You wanna tell us your names?" he asked Maeve.

She didn't reply, silently waiting for her mothers approval to tell him. Upon not getting a response the man turned to Michonne "what about you, you gonna tell us your names?"

"Hey Rick. Your going to wanna see this." The younger one of the two new men said, cocking his head to the side. He side eyed Maeve and how she was still in a fighting stance.

"Hand over your weapon." Rick approached her, Michonne gave her daughter a slight nod and reluctantly she handed over her sword. "We'll keepthese safe and sound. The doors are locked you'll both be safe here.. and we can treat that." He continued.

"I didn't ask for your help" Michonne said in a raspy voice, side eyeing her daughter to check she was safe. "Doesn't matter" he said before walking away, everyone else following suit.

Once everyone had left and the door was locked behind them Maeve whispered to her mother "you okay mom?"

She nodded, "I don't know if we can trust these people, but we know what to do if something happens."

Maeve nodded her head "Can't believe I had to hand over my sword though."



Going on quite a different route with this one, I have never written a female lead oc before but oh well.

• Twd OC • Maeve Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora