"What—" San had started to snap, but then he stopped. Shuei almost didn't hear him, still staring at the ground where he had almost died. It felt like it had happened an eternity ago, when it had only happened the day before.

These are very dangerous people. I almost died. I was upset when Kazuhisa blamed everything on me. Kadokawa-san fought to keep me here, but...do I even want to stay here? He ducked his head and gritted his teeth. But if not here...where else can I go? Home in Tokyo isn't home for me anymore...

"Hey." San leaned in close to speak to him softly. "Are you all right, Shuei?"

Shuei swallowed hard and forced himself to nod. "I'm fine. Let's go, San."

They entered the house and as they removed their shoes Shuei was shocked to see Haruto appear and grab San for hug. "I'm glad to see you! Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, Papa," San told him. Now that Shuei knew the truth about San he couldn't help but be in awe of Haruto. Haruto wasn't biologically related to San but was still a loving father to San despite the manner in which San was conceived. Shuei knew that Haruto didn't like Kazuhisa, who was one of San's biological fathers, and he knew that it was related on how Kazuhisa treated San.

Haruto-san gets it, though. He understands that what happened to Kazuhisa isn't San's fault and that San shouldn't be blamed for it.

"Haruto-san, are you okay?" Shuei asked him.

"Ah, a respectful tone!" Haruto said, releasing San to address Shuei. "You wear it well, Shuei-san!"

Shuei bristled at his comment. He's still an asshole. Damn it all.

"But I'm fine," Haruto reassured him, smiling sincerely. "I've suffered worse injuries than a gunshot wound to the chest. It'll take more than that for Haruto Kadokawa to fall!"

"You saved my life," Shuei acknowledged, bowing slightly. "I know San was your priority, but—"

"Well I am his papa," Haruto said, shrugging. "But I was happy to have protected you as well, Shuei-san. It's been a while though since I was involved a fight like that. I think I'm a bit out of shape."

Shuei looked him over with a raised brow. Out of shape? I don't see a trace of fat on your body!

"But anyway, let's go," Haruto said, waving to them. "Anata is waiting for you both."

Haruto led both San and Shuei to the sitting room where they had all of their meals. The other tenants were present sitting around the room but only Renjiro was seated at the low table. He motioned for Shuei to sit across from and Shuei complied without protest. Haurto and San sat in front of the shoji screen doors.

"You're going to Seirei-Kai on Saturday to meet Ten'nō, Shuei," Renjiro announced.

"EH?!" Shuei exclaimed in shock.

"Ten'nō has granted my appeal, but instead of redoing the evaluation he wants to meet with you in person," Renjiro told him, narrowing his eyes at Shuei. "So we will bring you to Seirei-Kai so you can present yourself to Ten'nō. Ten'nō will give another evaluation of you personally, and will determine whether or not you will become the official Gatekeeper."

"I-I-I—you guys want me to go to your world?!" Shuei sputtered. "Is that okay?! I'm not a Seishin!"

"You've been granted special permission by Ten'nō to go to Seirei-Kai for one day," Renjiro told him. "You should be honored, as he does not grant this privilege regularly. The most recent human he granted privilege to visit Seirei-Kai was Japan's Ten'nō Heika, Naruhito, after his coronation."

Estrangement Syndrome (Estrangement Syndrome 1) ✅Where stories live. Discover now