Chapter 1

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Felicity loved the rain.

She loved being inside, watching something on her tv, with a mountain of blankets piled on top of her while the sound of heavy rain struck the house surrounding her. Nothing was better than a hot shower after getting caught in the rain before snuggling up in her room with the heating on high.

Her sister, Freya, had quite the opposite view. The sound of the door slamming, followed by her loud complaints floated upstairs as she stormed into the house. "Jesus, is it too much to ask for it not to rain while we practice?" She yelled angrily, pulling off her shoes and shoving them into the shoe rack before continuing into the house.

Sighing, Felicity reluctantly got out of bed, grabbing a random blanket to wrap around herself before making her way downstairs and into the kitchen, smiling at the sight of her sister angrily making herself a sandwich. "How was practice?" She asked, leaning against the doorframe, laughing slightly when the older girl jumped at the sound of her voice.

Glaring at her little sister for sneaking up on her, Freya grabbed the margarine from the fridge before roughly spreading it across the bread, "Shit," She answered shortly before sighing as she began to grab her sandwich fillings, "It was raining so hard we couldn't see so Kaia called it off." She explained further, cutting the sandwich in half before taking a big bite.

Drawing her eyebrows together, Felicity wrapped the blanket even tighter around her, "Which one's Kaia again?" She asked sheepishly, a small smile pulling at the edges of her mouth.

Rolling her eyes, Freya swallowed the bite and shook her head. "Honestly Flick, how do you still not know their names?" She wasn't annoyed, though. Her voice was soft and filled with fondness as she shook her head, laughing at her younger sister. "Kaia's the team captain - I think you used to call her a meanie when we were younger because she was very sarcastic whenever you spoke to her," She chuckled at the memory.

Frowning, Felicity tried to think back to the time she'd last seen Freya's team members. It had to have been at least over 10 years ago when they had first formed the team, so she would've been 8 or 9 years old. A few faces flashed through her mind but none of them had names attached to them. She shrugged, not remembering anything of importance. "Sorry, haven't got a clue."

"Yeah, at least you got one thing right." Freya teased, laughing as Felicity gasped loudly, a mock offended expression forming on her face as she sped across the room, "Ah, stop! Stop!" She cried, holding out her arms to protect herself from her little sister's hits.

The two of them went on like that for a few minutes before they were laughing too hard to continue, both agreeing on a draw as they stepped away from each other. Felicity went back to pick her blanket back up while Freya finished off her sandwich, laughing to herself.

As the clock on the wall hit 3 pm, an alarm started going off on Freya's phone. Swiping it away she smiled at her sister, "Well, you'll be able to learn their names tonight when they come over. Mum told you about that before she and Dad left for the party, right?"

Felicity nodded, leaning back against the counters, "Yeah she did but I'll just stay in my room for the night. I have no desire to be in the same room as 11 football-mad women." She laughed as she pulled herself up to sit on the countertop, "Mum also said she gave you money for pizza - even though you have your own job," Freya rolled her eyes at that. "So could you get me a medium pepperoni?" Pulling her best puppy dog eyes, she smiled innocently, already knowing the answer.

"I suppose that could be arranged," Freya replied with another roll of her eyes, poking Felicity in the side as she walked past and out of the kitchen. "Although, you might want to go upstairs now because they'll be arriving in the next..." She checked her phone. "Oh, actually they just messaged that they're approaching our house now. Pft, early - that's unlike them,"

Eyes widening, Felicity jumped off of the counter, cursing when she almost slipped on her blanket as she ran over to the fridge. Opening it, she gave a quick scan before grabbing a few cans of Pepsi Max, some chocolate bars and a handful of other snacks. Assessing what she held in her arms she gave a satisfied nod before legging it out of the kitchen towards the stairs.

"Hey- mum bought those for the girls and me," Freya shouted as her sister ran upstairs, watching her through the bannister spindles.

"Mine now, sucker!" Felicity called over her shoulder before disappearing into her room, laughing as Freya jokingly shouted insults after her. Closing the door, she dropped all her pilfered food onto her bed, smiling as she took it all in.

Deciding to eat it later, she began to put all of the drinks and sweets into her mini fridge. It had originally been bought for her to store skincare in but she thought it was much more useful for food. Her skincare products lived in the bathroom anyway.

Just as she closed the fridge door she heard a car honk, followed by the loud chatter of excited girls. Pursing her lips, she walked over to her window, watching as a second car pulled up behind the first one. Rolling her eyes, Felicity leaned against the wall, crossing her arms as she watched them all hug and greet each other like they hadn't seen each other in weeks.

They had all seen each other less than an hour ago.

Leaning her head against the wall, she watched for several minutes as they laughed and pushed each other, seemingly forgetting that people could see into her window just as easily as she could see out of it until someone looked up and locked eyes with her.

Eyes widening, she jumped backwards, scrambling away from the window until her knees hit the bed and she sat down, hand coming up to press over her heart as it pumped erratically in her chest.

She certainly hadn't expected that.

The woman who had looked up at her was gorgeous with short black hair and sharp features. Felicity almost wanted to go back to the window to get another glimpse of her but restrained herself, her hands gripping the edge of the mattress to stop herself.

No need to embarrass herself any further.

Shaking off the shock of getting caught staring, she grabbed her favourite book and a blanket before making her way over to the large armchair that sat in the far corner of her room and making herself comfy. Tucking her feet underneath her, Felicity opened the book, smiling as she read the first line. She'd read 'Tales of Fae' numerous amounts of times and she still came back to it.

Time moved quickly as she read, occasional bursts of laughter from downstairs interrupting her peace but never enough to knock her out of the trance she got into while reading.

By the time it hit 6 pm, she had nearly finished, wiping away the tears that always came when she read this particular chapter. By now it was pitch black outside, only a singular lamp illuminating the pages for Felicity as she read. Her stomach was rumbling loudly but she ignored it, knowing that Freya would be ordering pizza soon - if she hadn't already.

She was just turning to the last chapter when a creak interrupted her, making her head snap up to stare at her door. It was open the tiniest crack.

Hadn't she shut that?

Frowning, she stared at the door with squinted eyes. She was sure she had shut it, so why was it now slightly open?

Pulling her blanket further up her chest, Felicity stared at her door for a few more seconds before mentally shrugging and trying to get back into it her book. Barely reading past the first line of the page, she was interrupted when yet another creak reached her ears.

"Who's there?" She found herself saying, her voice stern. If Freya was playing another one of her pranks then she wasn't going to be happy.

Suddenly the door was fully pushed open, making Felicity jump, a gasp ripping from her throat as her eyes stared into the dark, trying to make out who was standing in her doorway.

Before she could speak again, someone turned on her overhead light, flooding the room with yellow light and revealing a massive group of girls standing by her door. At the front was the same girl who had spotted Felicity standing at the window earlier.

Her face flushed at the memory.

"So, you're the little sister, then?"

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