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A/N    This is just here so I can post today it is gonna be kinda short also if you haven't already check out my new book I'm gonna be posting the 1st chapter soon so yeah ok let's start

(POV) Hunter

"Hey Luz." "Oh Hey Hunter!" Luz replied while painting kings nails. I walked into her room and waited for her to finish kings nails. When she was done she sent him to show Eda while they dried, once king left I closed the door and sat down she instantly asked if she could paint my nails. "Sure black please." She got to work on my nails, "so Hunter tell me what's on your mind?" She asked breaking the silence looking up with a curios look on her face. "Well me and edric were gonna hang out today"

"And?" She said with a smirk on her face, I felt my face become hot but I ignored it and continued, "Well I was wondering if you could help me choose an outfit I've already picked some clothes I just need help choosing which ones to wear, he just said to wear smth casual and comfy." "I would love to help you Hunter first let's let your nails dry though" she says finishing my nails up.


~time skip to when edric gets to the owl house~ 

I knocked on the door only having to wait a couple seconds before it opened and a blonde boy came barreling at me wrapping me in a tight hug. "Hey love how have you been?" Hunter asks backing up out of the hug but leaving his hands on my shoulder's, "good, how have you been?" "I've been doing great!" He says and starts going on about his week

I look at his outfit, he's wearing a black hoodie and jorts he even had his nails painted black which I thought complimented him very well while I'm wearing a purple shirt and grey jeans.

(Outfits based on picture at top)

He looks really cute in his outfit I realized I was staring and looked away saying "so where do you wanna go?" He looks up at me and says "follow me love"

~After there Date/Hangout was over~


I was dropping Hunter off at the owl house when he asked me, " hey could you do something for me?" "Sure what do you need?" I ask facing him, he sighs turning red but he then got up on his tippy toes and kisses me on the lips for the first time, it was short but I felt a lot of emotion go into it. I looked back at him and he looked embarrassed, "sor-" I cut him off giving him another kiss this one a bit longer to show that I was ok with it. When we broke apart Hunter looked as happy as I felt their were practically stars in his eyes, "ok well I better go inside bye love!" Hunter said quickly becoming flustered and turning even more red while rushing inside, "bye Hunter!" I yell after him. Today was a good day for sure.

A/N ok tell me if you wanna see what they did on their date/hangout and I hope you enjoyed bye for now!

Goldric OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora