Zenith Gaea

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This idea isn't for any story. Just an idea I had. Feel free to use it if you want.

Name: Zenith Gaea

Other names:
Guardian Avatar of Mother nature

Type: Sacred Gear (high-class longinus)

Forms: True Several Thousand Hands

• Nature Manipulation

• Wood Manipulation

• Creates a massive wooden Buddha that posses 1000 arms that can be used to fire at an opponent (True Several Thousand Hands)

Wielder: Hashirama Senju✝

Zenith Gaea also known as Guardian Avatar of Mother nature is a new high tier longinus and said to be the counter part of the second strongest longinus Zenith Tempest. It was wielded in the past by a Japanese Shinobi named: Hashirama Senju.


A recent discovered Longinus as it never had appeared before but was stated to be the counter part of the zenith tempest which controlled the weather and elements while Zenith Gaea controlled the earth and nature. Azazel theorized that both sacred gears are 2 parts of the same coin making it possible that it was originally was meant to be 1 complete sacred gear however duo its overwhelming power. God decided to split it into 2.


Nature manipulation: Zenith Gaea grants the user to manipulate nature itself. Simular to the zenith tempest the user can manipulate the earth around them to a massive scale along with manipulating water and plant life. The user can create massive stone goloms and water monsters from their thoughts that are completely loyal to them. Because the zenith Gaea grants the user the ability to manipulate plant life, the sacred gear can also grant the user powerful healing abilities. That surpasses the Twilight healing

Wood manipulation: an other ability of the zenith Gaea is the ability manipulate wood. However the reason this element is considered so feared is that it can forcefully suppress other powers like the prison dragon Vritra. However to a God level scale. Even the heavenly dragons can be affected by this power making it a very dangerous power in the wrong hands.


True Several Thousand Hands:

Hashirama's sub species balance breaker that grants him the power to summon a massive wooden Buddha with a 1000 arms that can be used to absolutely devastate an opponent

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Hashirama's sub species balance breaker that grants him the power to summon a massive wooden Buddha with a 1000 arms that can be used to absolutely devastate an opponent. Hashirama is stated to be the strongest human with this technique as he fought off many powerful beings and even the 9 tails Fox Kurama who is on par with a heavenly dragon.


Zenith Gaea is inspired by the wood style from naruto.

Hashirama was the only person to have manifested this sacred gear.

Zenith Gaea is the opposite sacred gear for Zenith Tempest. This is a simular case for the boosted gear and divine dividing.

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