[A] hero is born

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I was still sleeping, apparently I was really tired from yesterday, i think? I wasn't sure as I could still feel the sun and its heat on my body. I just hope I don't get all burned when I wake up.

???: 2B, are you sure this is the place? There doesn't appear to be any activity here.

???: Yes, the coordinates are these even though you're right it's strange that there is no machines here.

Coordinator? Place? And two voices? They didn't look like machines from the way they talked, however, and better not be too sure given my previous experience, while I was thinking I heard footsteps coming from this direction and then stopped after a few seconds.

???: 2B, what is that thing over there?

???: I don't know, let's go check it out.

The footsteps continued again and stopped right next to me. Well I was starting to get scared I just hope they can't sense the heartbeat otherwise i am fuc ****.

???: Is it a YoRHa unit? But its structure does not match and then what is it doing here?

There was silence for a while when the second voice spoke again.

???: Pod, can you analyze it?

???: Affirmative.

This third entry was definitely one that could have belonged to a machine, damn don't tell me these three are like the first thing because I haven't quite recovered from the fight. I suddenly felt something flying above me and then I was covered with a slight glow that then disappeared.

???: Processing ...

These were the words he heard next, as I felt something touch my right cheek.

???: 9s what are you doing?

???: I don't know, I just wanted to touch his cheeks and they are incredibly soft.

There was silence again when I then felt my left cheek being touched as well.

???: See, I said it was soft.

My cheeks were being raped by two machines that strangely hadn't started killing me yet, already making me realize that maybe they are peaceful or maybe they are just pretending to deceive me.

???: Processing completed, the subject is not a YoRHa unit, but the scan indicates that the subject is 100% organic.

F ***, I'm going to die, I feel it.

The hands stopped and nothing was felt for a while.

???: Wait it's not a YoRHa unit, but is it organic?

???: Affirmatively, this being can be classified as human.

Sh *****, sh ****, they found out, what do I do, what do I do?

Silence fell again until the three spoke again.

???: Pod, it is impossible that he is a human being, you will be wrong.

???: Negative, there was no scan error.

???: 9s, try your Pod.

???: Yes, 2B. Pod then scan it.

???: Affirmative.

Damn not again.

???: Processing ...

This time I also felt that I was lifted off the ground because I felt something under my armpits.

???: 2B, what are you doing?

There was no response

???: Processing completed, as previously stated by the 2B unit Pod the subject is not a YoRHa unit but he is 100% organic so he can be classified as human.

Ultimate Automata (Nier Automata X Ultimatrix Male Wielder) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now