[R]obotic Opera

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I could finally see the amusement park that I had been given an indication of and I have to say that strangely compared to what I had seen so far, everything seemed in very good condition although there were still some parts that were not in good condition and there also seemed to be a lot of activity because there were fireworks and balloons that kept flying in the sky but I didn't understand by whom. Then feeling a familiar alarm coming from my chest I cursed the watch and then landed in a covered spot in the park and was back to normal.

I came out of hiding and found myself in a square together with many bio machines which however were dressed as clowns shooting balloons and fireworks. This explains why the park is still functional but why would bio machines do such a thing? I didn't see any plausible explanation but as long as they didn't attack me I was fine. I walked among them but they seemed to ignore me as they continued to dance, run, and chatter. Could it be that these machines were programmed for entertainment? I just can't see how they were used but then I remembered Adam and Eve, they were bio machines born to fight but in addition to doing so they were studying humanity to evolve. Is it possible that there are other machines capable of this thing? But if they were, why then should they do so? My head was filling with questions and many theories as I was also starting to wonder if these bio machines were actually capable of feeling emotions because if they were then it would mean that I would be seen as a cold-blooded monster for them and the androids as killers who kill on sight. All of this was confusing me and plunged me into my thoughts but I was pulled out by a mechanical sound and a distorted metallic voice. I looked up and in front of me there was a bio machine dressed as a clown with in his right hand a balloon, I couldn't do anything because the clock hadn't recharged yet also I was surrounded that means a false move and for I was over, I was staring at the car while I was sweating but she did something I never expected her to do, she stretched out the hand that had the balloon and put it in front of me.

Machine Bio: HaPPy! EVeRyONe Is hApPY, tAkE It.

Was this what he wanted me to do? It seemed strange to me, but if it served to not make them hostile then I had to take the risk. Very carefully I took the balloon as he asked me, but it didn't move and then thinking about it for a moment he said that this would make me happy so I had to show happiness in the gesture so I looked the biomachine in the face, closed my eyes and smiled.

Y/n: Thank you.

At my thank you all the biomachine erupted with joy as they danced and shot more balloons and fireworks into the sky. This reminded me of a childhood memory when my family and I used to go to an amusement park when I was little, one of the few memories I have of them. I shook off the thought and continued to explore the place for the androids but so far I had no luck. The park was too big and it would have taken me hours to comb it from top to bottom, this was what I initially thought until I passed under a roller coaster that was running with the two androids I was looking for but they weren't alone because a bunch of bio machines were attacking them.

I had to do something but my watch was still charging, I couldn't do anything to help them now but I don't think there is any need because they destroyed all the bio machines with their swords and pods, this taught me that appearance can deceive and therefore I didn't have to make them angry if I didn't want to end up like the bio machines. I looked at the point where they stopped and I wondered why they stopped there, I immediately thought that this was the place where the androids disappeared so I hurried to find a way to enter. But the only access point was on the roof so I was hopeless, heard a scream from behind the wall followed by some music, that means something big is going on in there. I looked at my watch for the last time and at that moment it loaded, perfect now I could help those two so I activated it and chose the most suitable hero for this situation.

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