Chapter 1: Duel Lightning

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It was a stand off, Noble and the Unknown Construct staring down at each other while the Commandant takes care of Lucia.

Noble: Назовите себя!

Noble demands, his rifle still training on the Unknown Construct.

However, the Unknown Construct didn't reply but instead continue her advance, red lightning sparks emitting from her body as she fully draws her sword, covered in the very lightning of her body. 

Seeing the threat, Noble pulls the trigger of his rifle, firing off several flaming bullets, but the Unknown Construct disappeared in a blink of an eye as the bullets miss, surprising the trio.

Commander Andra: Where did she go?!

The Commandant shouted, looking around for any signs of the Unknown Construct, but finds nothing.

His senses coming up, Noble notices a figure speeding around the church in their blind spots, attempting to aim at the directions of the source. Not to mention that his radar wasn't any help due to it being unable to track the fast movement of the Unknown Construct, right as another blur flew past him to distract him from the Commandant and Lucia. Therefore, making them vulnerable for an attack.

Letting out a annoyed grunt, Noble suddenly sets aside his rifle, surprising his companions. He didn't move nor focus on his radar as he just stand there silently.

Ghost: Noble what are you doing?

Ghost questions, but his question was ignored by the Construct. However, unknown to the A.I., Noble was focusing on his senses, especially his hearing to listen to where the attacker will be next.

However, Noble was only met with silence along with his radar returning to normal, losing track of the Unknown Construct's signal. His first thought is that the hostile had retreated, but something felt off, so he waited.

Ghost: Did she just left?

Questioned Ghost, not picking anything up on his sensors while Noble doesn't buy it as he unsheathes his knife. 

Gripping his knife closely, Noble remain still, listening to the emptiness of the church with nothing but echoes

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Gripping his knife closely, Noble remain still, listening to the emptiness of the church with nothing but echoes.

Noble: .....


Noble Thoughts: Должен!

With his quick reaction, Noble parries the crimson blade from above, small sparks flying as he looks at his opponent in the eyes. Crimson red eyes staring into the endless black void of the visor.

Seconds later, the Unknown Construct jumps back with Noble doing the same, the two just a few meters from each other. 

???: I'm surprised. Most would have fallen to my blade. 

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