Secret: Chapter 6

Start from the beginning

"Gabriel Hastings? Julian Stroup?"

Julian stopped talking, and both boys turned to the sounds of their names being belted out from across a short distance. In curiosity, their gaze scanned the empty street at this hour of the afternoon on a lazy Sunday afternoon, finding a petite middle-aged woman in a pink tee and light blue jeans. Sitting on top of her head were sunglasses and she cradled in one arm, a light brown Chihuahua.

Mrs. Archibald – Gabriel's neighbour from two doors down, and a churchly lady. The woman had dark hair cut to the base of her neck, and she walked with a confident stride, her steps filled with purpose as she turned and walked the short distance from the pavement to the base of the steps at Gabriel's home.

The town of Shaw was a safe place, so it was not surprising to find open yards on every street. The town of Shaw was also a pain to live in for people like Julian Stroup who valued privacy. Everyone knew everyone and sadly, that meant, nosy neighbours and a town overflowing with gossipmongers.

"Mrs. Archibald," Gabriel greeted with a small smile. "How may I help you, today?"

"I was just wondering," Mrs. Archibald began, "if you boys knew how closely you were sitting? It might give some people the wrong idea. You know, people these days are so judgmental."

Gabriel flushed mainly because he had taken notice of such a thing – the distance between them or lack thereof. However, it hadn't escaped his notice the snide or condescending undertone of her comment.

Julian averted his gaze, trying to relocate his tolerance level since it went away the second he had laid eyes to Mrs. Archibald. If he had to describe her – and he was sure many others would agree – she was the poster child of gossip in Shaw, and quite the hypocrite. She was incredibly, and easily, the nosiest of neighbours one could hope for, and she had a nasty habit of getting involved in matters that did not – and should not – demand her interference. Julian did not like such people, and out of all days – when he was in such a good mood – alas, the devil had come out to play.

"Thanks for the concern, Mrs. Archibald," Julian began with a plastic grin, "but I think we're fine. Gabriel and I were just having a conversation, you see."

"Oh, I know that, and I don't mean to interrupt," the woman rushed to explain. "But I'm just letting you know; other people may not think so. I just don't want you boys to be on the end of any negative comments." She gestured to them, indicating their proximity. "It doesn't look good that you two are so close."

Gabriel lowered his gaze, aware of the subtle homophobia and the blatant condemnation. This was why he couldn't wait to get out of Shaw. At least somewhere where the residents weren't so narrow-minded, he'd be free to be who he truly was, and love whomever he wanted. Conscious of the snide undertone, he started to inch away, creating more space.

Mrs. Archibald's comments and that it had affected Gabriel – when he'd done all he could on a whim to uplift Gabriel's mood – further soured Julian, and he decided to put an end to this irrelevant exchange. Julian turned to look at the intrusive woman, a malicious light twinkling in his caramel eyes, and his smile was none too kind.

"Mrs. Archibald," he began with a charming, sickening sweet intonation. "How's your marriage life going? Is your husband still fulfilling your needs in bed, or is his brother doing a better job?"

Gabriel went ramrod stiff, his eyes owlish, and he stared in shock at Julian. The woman in question, however, turned beet-red and she sputtered furiously.

"Why? You little –"

"No, no," Julian continued, not giving her a chance to retort. "Keep it stepping. Why don't worry about your own business instead of minding other people's when your laundry is nastier than anyone else's? Get out of here, and let us," he said, pausing to indicate himself and Gabriel, "continue our private discussion."

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