Chapter Twenty One | How did Mickey feel when he first saw Minnie?

Start from the beginning

"Can we hurry up?"

"No, I need to focus."

"Just get all of them."

"No, I need to get a specific one."

"Hurry up then." We were in line waiting after selecting my favourite snacks, and I was exhausted.

Half drowsy, I was resting into his arms as we waited in the huge line that was in front of me. When Nicholas' arms were over my shoulders and bringing me into his chest, I noticed how they had moved about. A smile appears on my lips as I encircle his waist with my arms.

"This is the first time you are ever quiet, and I enjoy it." A smirk engulfs my lips now.

"Don't get used to it."

"I can silence you in many ways..." He leans down to my ears, "many more sexual ways." I pushed him away from me.

The parking lot was empty as we finished paying and loading everything into the boot, and I looked down at the trolley we needed to return. The moment Nicholas closed the car boot, I jumped inside as the trolley started to move. The trolley was going more quickly. A bit too fast for my liking.

"Oh shit! Nicholas!" He turned around and his eyes widened as he chased after me, I cried out in laughter. I notice him pointing at something behind me and laugh out loud, but I choose to ignore him due to the manner he was acting.

While the man I was falling for was running after me, I scream loudly as I continued moving down the parking lot. I then looked up and watched the stars.

My hands were not in the cart, and I was being blown by the wind. My trolley flips over as soon as I sit up and I see a trash can, which causes me to be tossed into.

I felt like I was ready to throw up when I fell on a stack of closed bags, but the lid slammed down on me instead. I covered my nose, and a split-second later Nicholas' figure was standing there with the lid drawn over.

"Are you serious?" He says out of breath.

"Was the Nicholas Hernandez running after me? Don't worry I'm not going anywhere." I wink at him; he closes the lid causing me to fit in laughter as I scream for him to open it.

"Except in a trash can." He returns, I giggle as he lends me his hands, he pulls me out of the trash dump and back onto my feet.

"You have to try it! It was amazing. I felt free." He rolls his eyes as he pulls a banana skin of my head and onto the bin.

"You can book a taxi; no way are you stepping into my car smelling like that."

"Oh, shut up." I engulf him into a hug, my legs wrapping around his waist as he stumbles back.

"Arabella! Now I stink."

"We can shower together..." I whisper.

"Now that I would not mind..."

"I know," I bite onto my lips, I press them against his lips before a bright light flash in my closed eyes, I opened them to reveal a storm of paparazzi screaming. Nicholas grabs onto my hands and pulls me out of the screaming reporters.

We look at how far the car was before I pull him behind me, we sprint away from the paparazzi.

He keeps up with me and the moment I enter the alley way, I push him against the wall, pull his hood over enough to cover our faces as I smash my lips against him. "Where did they go?" I feel his hands go to my ass as he slowly grabs onto it. I never broke our kiss, "over there!" They run past us.

I pulled away from the kiss.

"I think they are gone- "I was dragged back; Ace's hands were on the back of my neck as he continues sucking onto my lips. I allow him entry to my tongue as they dance perfectly against each other. My fingers play with his belt buckle as I turn my head sideways to allow him to deepen the kiss.

"You make me go crazy." He mumbles.



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