Chapter Twenty |Why doesn't Eeyore have any friends?

Start from the beginning

"Y-yes we do-Oh god!"

"How about Mrs Hernandez talks about her wedding?" The wife suggested.

"Yes, darling tell them." I whispered to Nicholas.

"No, she was asking you."

"The w-w-wedding was good, it was a-a-a private wedding." I moaned out, my hands tightening around Aces thighs as I slowly lift my upper body. I felt myself nearly finishing. Fuck. I looked ahead of me to see the kid playing around with the remote.

My eyes widen as he presses the increase button.

"You are so lucky to have him as your husband." One of the other women said, but with that, came out something I never thought would. And from this moment, from this very moment. I hated Nicholas Hernandez.

"Oh Nicholas -Ahh. Y-yeah, he is amazing-oh-Ahhh," Standing up, I slapped my fist upon the table while whimpering. Everyone regarded me as though I were ill. "We should go. Now. Goodbye."

I took my bag from the ground and grabbed my coat before leaving.

Never before have I stormed out of a restaurant so quickly.

Nicholas follows me out of the restaurant as I'm leaving and really laughs. As he stumbled back, I pressed into his chest.

"Why in hell-"

He was cut off by his heap of laughter, anger consumes me as I pick up my pace and begin walking down the paths of New York city. A figure was walking besides me, and I see Nicholas, his hands tucked into his pockets. I stop walking when I realised, I pulled up my skirt.

Nicholas looks at me surprised as I slide down my underwear and shoving it into the bin behind me. "I am so embarrassed." I whisper.

"I know, you just had an orgasm in front of the entire restaurant. You are lucky it sounded nice." I chuckle as I push Nicholas' shoulder gently before bringing him closer to me, I wrap my hands around his arm as I lean onto his forearm.

We walk down the paths in silence, sometimes I would slip in my stupid jokes, but I felt comfortable.

Nicholas was not a judgemental type of man on some days, which is why I respect him a lot. He made me feel slightly better by his stupid joke. "Do you want some ice cream?" I mumble as we reach an Ice cream parlour.

He shrugs his shoulders, I let go of him and push open the door where we enter a silent and non-busy area. I walk towards the till and look down at the ice creams.

"Nicholas." I whisper.

"Hmm." He hums.

"What did the chocolate sauce say to the ice cream?" I asked.

He looks down at me as If I was merely a crazy woman, I smile trying to hold in my laughter. "I do not know. But you are about to tell me."

"I'm sweet on you." I winked at him, he gazed at me with disgust as I burst out in snorts. "Wait I have another-"

"How about we order our ice cream seeing that there is a queue behind us?" I turned to see people's feet tapping against the marble, I turn my head back to the ice cream options and bite onto my lips.

"What are you going to get?"

"I do not want."

"But you have to get!"

"No, it is unhealthy."

"Excuse me, can we have two bubble gum ice cream please. In a cup with spoons." The woman nods her head, I look down to see she was wearing a bright pink apron with a hat saying Scoop Me. We wait a couple of minutes until we were at the till.

"That would be twelve dollars," I open my bag before a fifty sheet was handed to her, Nicholas grabs our ice cream.

"Keep the change." The woman at the till, who goes by the name Venus was open mouthed as she stared at the fifty dollars. I catch up with Nicholas who took a seat in the booth at the far corner.

Where you could see the outside and people walking. I sat opposite him; he hands me both ice creams.

"No, this is for you. Eat it." I demanded.

"Feed me." He whispers seductively.

I was frozen in this very moment, but I grabbed his ice cream and scooped out a piece of ice cream before feeding it to him. I had some ice cream on my finger since the spoon was so small.

But he slowly sucks onto the spoon, removing any trace of ice cream. "You have ice cream on your thumb."

"Yeah, they never gave me a napkin." I sucked onto my thumb before indulging myself into my own ice cream. "My mother used to take me for ice cream once a year. Third of December. My most favourite day. I used to pick this flavour all the bloody time but act like I didn't want to because I wanted to feel how being selfish was like. I wanted to feel how being spoilt was like you know." I articulate, Nicholas was sitting in front of listening to every word coming out of my mouth and I was appreciative.

Having someone listen to me.

I never had that before.

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