Beyond the Legend-excerpt- Chapter Fifteen

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Marianna’s eyes jolted open. “Mordred?” She whispered timidly. She had heard his voice call out then realized it was just a dream. Her prison was dark and damp. Even the rats stayed out. Whether it was day or night she couldn’t tell for there was no window just the dim light from a torch outside the door. One of the guards, who had been taken aback by her beauty, gave her a blanket. Though it wasn’t much protection against the dampness she was grateful for his kindness.

The sound of footsteps and clanging keys made her scrabble to her feet. She backed herself up against the far wall of the cell as the key turned in the lock. First through the door was a guard who posted a torch in the empty sconce on the wall. The torch lit the small cell as if it were daylight. For the first time she could see clearly what her prison looked like. The guard stepped back out to the hall. The door opened wider and in came Queen Morgan.

“I see you are faring well, my dear.” Morgan smiled. “Are you enjoying your visit?”

Marianna held her head high and stepped forward, hoping to hide the fear in her heart. “Is this place supposed frighten me?”

“To frighten you? No.” Morgan chuckled. “To ensure my ungrateful son shows his temper, most certainly.”

“Why are you doing this? Mordred means nothing to you.”

“I need him to attack Constantine and claim his rightful place on the throne.”

“Why? So you can destroy the country? Mordred will never fight the King.”

Morgan began to walk circles around Marianna as she spoke. “Oh, he will. He will do anything to keep you alive.”

 The torch light began to dim and set an evil glow abut the queen’s face that made Mari even more fearful for Mordred, but she held her ground against the queen’s torment.

“Never. I’d rather die than see him destroy all he’s worked for and he knows it.”

“We will see. He sent a messenger. He’s wounded but will be here before a month’s time has gone by. His life with you has made him weak. I will have no trouble forcing him to do as I bid. His concern for your safety will assure his alliance. Like his father before him, I have taken from him everything that he lives for.”

Marianna felt herself shiver at the wickedness within this woman. “He still has our son, you haven’t taken that from him and you will never destroy his faith or his pride!”

Morgan laughed out loud knowing full well about the boy’s death and having no intention of informing the worried mother. “Faith? Dear little princess, faith is a useless commodity. And pride? That is the easiest thing in the world to take from a man. All you need is the right bait.” Morgan turned and exited the small cell.

“If Mordred is coming it is only to kill you!” Marianna cried out after her.

“Enjoy your stay, little princess.” Morgan bellowed as she climbed the steps that led away from the dungeon. 

The guard took the torch from the wall and locked the door, leaving Mari to weep alone in the darkness. “Mordred,” She prayed softly. “Please be careful. Please, let him be careful.”

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