The nurse had tears steaming down her face, and she noticed more people coming down the hall and beginning to approach Pete. It was two women, "Well Mr.Mitchell, it looks like more people are here to talk to you. Would you like me to catch them up on what happened? or are you able to explain to them?" 

Pete looked and saw Penny and Jessica coming towards him. Jessica was all out of her whits asking what happened, the nurse saw however that Pete was at a loss of words, so she directed Jessica to sit down and explained the situation. Penny ran into Pete's arms, holding him close. She knew that he now knew who Jade was by the look in his eyes, and even though he was holding himself together at the moment she could tell he was trying his best not to fall apart. 

Pete turned towards the nurse, "You said I could go see Bradley?" 

The nurse responded holding Jessica in her arms as she cried, "Yes, he's down that hall I told you about, room 14. I'll tell the doctors you'll be in there, incase they need you for Jade as well." 

Pete nodded, and let go of Penny as he swiftly jogged down the hallway towards Bradley's room. Penny decided to stick behind with Jessica, so she wasn't alone when the Nurse had to eventually leave. Once Pete got to the door of Bradley's room, a nurse asked who he was. He quickly explained and the Nurse allowed him to go in, even if he was still in his flight suit. 

Pete knocked quietly on the door as he walked in to the hospital room. Bradley was sitting on the bed. He was stripped down to the basic form of his flight suit, the jumper part. The top of the jumpsuit was off however, with a simple white tee underneath. Bradley had a few IV's in, to help with dehydration from adrenaline. Other than that he also had a few ice packs laying on him. He would have bruises for sure, but he would be alright. Pete could see that. Pete sat on the edge of Bradley's bed, "You scared me kid." He rested his hand on Bradley's knee. 

Pete could tell that Bradley wasn't here in the moment, but Pete would try his hardest to get Bradley back to the present. It's not like Pete could go see Jade at the moment. Bradley spoke with a shaky voice, " Uncle Pete is she alright? Is she alive? She, she passed out. The medics were saying words I didn't understand. I tried to help her, I really did." 

Pete hushed Bradley, "Hey, from what I heard she is stable alright. Bradley she's okay. You saved her. I saw it. You're why she is alive. It's okay. I'm here." 

Bradley then sat up and gripped Pete in a bone crushing hug, "We, we had this feeling Uncle Pete. She was scared senseless all week about it. I tried to calm her down, but I was freaking out too. I, I was so scared Uncle Mav." Bradley was now profusely crying into Pete's shoulder. 

Pete rubbed circles into Bradley's back, "I know bud. I saw how scared you were, I heard it too. You're alright now. I've got you. I'm not going to let you go anywhere." Pete noticed how Bradley's heart rate was returning to normal on the screen monitor. And sure enough Bradley was beginning to fall asleep in Pete's arms. Once, he was asleep there was a light knock at the door. It was Penny and Jessica. The two women walked in the room. Penny quickly traded places with Mav, and Bradley woke up sure questioning what was going on. Penny just pressed his head back down on her shoulder and talked to Pete, "Pete, they said you could go see Jade. You and Jessica, but the doctors want to talk to you first. I heard Emma's pretty shaken as well. I also heard your entire class is waiting in the main waiting room. They all came right over in their suits." Pete nodded and looked down at Jessica noticing just how distressed she was. 

Pete recognized the look in her eyes, it was distant. She wasn't in the present. Pete sighed, threw his arm around her shoulder and lead them out of Bradley's room. Jessica mumbled to Pete, "They said she is in room twenty-six." The two then proceeded down that hallway. Where in another waiting room, across from twenty-six Emma waited, bouncing her knee anxiously. 

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