A Welcome Surprise

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Hikari: She looks about my age.

Criminal #1: Look kid, like it or not, you're coming with us!

Spiky Haired Girl: And why should I have to?

Criminal #2: Come on, why wouldn't? It's not like we're gonna hurt you.

Criminal #3: Yeah, all we want to do is return you to your parents.

Criminal #4: Yeah, after we make them pay a lot of yen to get you back!

Criminal #2 hits Criminal #1 in the back of the head.

Criminal #2: (Whisper) You idiot! We weren't supposed to tell her that!

Criminal #4: Why not? We're kidnapping her, it's not like it matters if she knows we're trying to ransom her.

Criminal #2: It's just gonna make it harder for her to cooperate with us, you oaf!

Criminal #4: (Hides in the corner) Your words hurt.


Criminal #1: You two shut up!

The two criminals immediately stop bickering with each other and turn around to the guy who told them to shut up.

Hikari: He's probably the leader of the group. He looks tough, fighting him would be a pain at my current level of power.

Criminal #1: We're supposed to be capturing the daughter of the Yaoyorozu family so we can ransom her, not act as entertainment for her. (Turns to criminal #3) Bind her.

The third criminal nod and walks toward the girl when she tries to swing her pipe at the man, he makes a pole out of his hand using some sort of substance and blocks the swing. He then grabs her hands and produces more of the thing so it wraps around her wrists, and then proceeds to knee her in the stomach, making her keel over and drop her weapon. I clench my fists in annoyance that I can't stop them right now, but I need to be careful about this. It wouldn't be smart to take on a group of four people with unknown quirks. The first one is unarmed, as is the fourth one, but the second one has a spiky bat. The third one has a quirk that can produce what looks like wax, and he seems very skilled with it. The only female in the group seems to be the second criminal, although they all were wearing bandanas and hoodies so it was hard to properly tell.

Hikari: I should probably deal with the third one now while I have the element of surprise. Otherwise I know he'll be a problem.

I look around nearby me to see if there is something I can use, when I see a brick nearby me.

Hikari: That'll work.

Third Person POV

Criminal #2: Hey, don't kick her! She'll lose her value if she's damaged!

Criminal #3: No she won't. If anything, it'll up the price. After all, if they know that their little girl is really in danger, then they will pay any price we demand.

Criminal #2: Oh yeah, that makes sense. Sweet, more yen!

The spiky haired girl is currently just lying on the floor on the ground clutching her stomach where she was kicked.

Spiky Haired Girl: Please, someone save me. It doesn't even have to be a hero. Just anyone!

Criminal #3: Alright, so who is going to carry-

He gets cut off as a brick hits him in the back of the head, knocking him to ground out cold. Everyone is obviously shocked at this, but the remaining criminals quickly get over their shock and turn around, angry that one of them was just knocked out.

The Light HeroTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang