What the Future Holds

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Hikari: talking
Hikari: Serious
Hikari: Thoughts


Hikari POV

???: Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?!

I am currently sitting on an upside down trashcan that I dragged over while the spiky haired girl (who's name I still haven't gotten yet) is bandaging up my wounds. While I am being lectured at by a police officer.

Police Officer: Fighting off a group of villains by yourself was dangerous, you could have gotten injured even worse than you already are!

Hikari: And what do you suggest that I would have done then, sir?

Police Officer: You could have called the police or a pro hero to deal with the situation.

Hikari: If I had, then she might of been kidnapped and I would have lost them. There was no one nearby that could of helped anyway.

Police Officer: That's not what matters anyway, what matters is that you fought a group of villains without permission from a hero or even a hero's license. Since you would have used a quirk to fight them, then that would make this a case of vigilantism, which means that I could-

Hikari: I didn't attack them with it first. It was self defense.

Police Officer: That's a pretty flimsy excuse kid. Consider yourself lucky I don't feel like writing up a teenager today.

The spiky haired girl had finished up bandaging my wound and gives me some space.

Police Officer: You should get that stomach wound checked out at a hostpital. If you want I can take you there.

Hikari: It's fine, I can take care of it at home.

Police Officer: Ok then. (Turns to spiky haired girl) I called your parents to come and pick you up, I'll stay here with you here until they arrive. 
The police officer then turns around and walks to his car and then gets in.

Spiky Haired Girl: Are you sure that you're fine? You really should get some proper medical treatment.

Hikari: Yes, I'm fine. I can deal with the pain until I get home. I have a high pain tolerance.
I say while getting up from my trashcan while clutching my stomach wound since that hurts the most.

Hikari: Hey, what was that thing you did where you pulled those bandages out of your body?

Spiky Haired Girl: My quirk is called Creation, which lets me convert fat cells in my body into items that I can use, such as the bandages.

Hikari: Oooo, that's a cool quirk. It sounds like it'd be good for lots of situations.

Spiky Haired Girl: Thank you for the compliment.
She says while smiling a little. We then stand there for a while, unsure as to what to say next.

Spiky Haired Girl: I probably should have said this earlier, but thank you saving me from those villains. I was terrified at what they were going to do with me, but then you came and saved me.

Hikari: It's fine. I can't let people like that go unpunished. It's why I want to be a hero, although who doesn't want to be one in this world nowadays?

A/N: It's a good thing not everyone is cut out to be a hero, otherwise there would be no one else working at other jobs.

Spiky Haired Girl: I also aim to be a hero someday. I might not have been able to do much just then, but I will be able to someday, and then I'll be able to save myself and others as well, l-like you!

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