This was the first time Jade was seeing the Tombstone of the man who basically was her father figure her entire life. The name etched into the marble made her uncomfortable. She had to imagine it sure, especially after she heard about the cancer. However, actually looking at it, didn't feel right. 

Jade rocked on her feet, not quite sure how to start. She let out an exasperated breath, "Well, this certainly wasn't how I imagined seeing you when I came back. I'd ask you how you've been, but obviously not very well since you're dead." Jade noticed the light shining on the stone, it was sunset. Jade turned around and decided to sit next to the tombstone, in some shape or form watching the sunset with Ice. "Well, I guess I'll just let it out. I, well you kinda put me in a predicament. I'm at Top Gun right now, and you made Captain Mitchell my instructor. Now, I'm not sure what to do. We've kept this secret since I've joined the Navy Uncle Ice. So, do I tell him who I am? Do I risk him pulling me out of Top Gun? What if my classmates find it unfair that I win the Top Gun trophy when we graduate? I don't want to be 'The Captain's daughter'. You remember what he's done to Bradley, what's gonna happen to me? I know, I know. There are so many what if's Uncle Ice. I just, I want to win this. I want to succeed based on my own reputation. I want to be the best, I want to earn the Trophy. Not just be handed it."  

A voice from behind Jade made her jump - to her - what felt like at least fifteen feet in the air, "So, little Mitchell is at Top Gun." 

Jade got defensive, not knowing who was behind her, "How would you know?". Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a VERY old man moving to sit on the other side of Admiral Kazansky's Tombstone. 

The older man laughed, "I flew with your grandfather, I taught your father and Admiral Kazansky. I was the one to help cover your identity. I'm Commander Mike Metcalf. Callsign: Viper. You remind me a lot of your father, believe it or not. You both are in a similar situation," jade heard of him for sure, he was probably the most famous name that surrounded Top Gun. Jade decided to not interrupt and just listen, "Your Grandfather, Duke Mitchell. He was a hero, but when a fight happens on the wrong side of some map, it has to be covered up. The Navy reported that he had done something terrible. It held your father back, kept him from acceptance into flight school. Hell, almost got him kicked out of Top Gun. You're flying against a ghost kid, flying away from the ghost. Trying to out fly it, much like your father. Now, you questioned why Ice would put you in this predicament? Have you ever thought it was Ice's way of telling you that it's time to let go. Let go of the past, tell Maverick and forgive him?" 

There was a few moments of silence before Jade answered, "I didn't think about it like that. I guess that makes sense. I didn't know about my grandfather, well I did, but I never thought about how it affected Mav. It's just, Commander,  I want to win the Top Gun trophy on my own. And you know Captain Mitchell pulled Bradley out of school, worried about what happened to Goose. Why would he let me keep flying?" 

Viper took a deep breath, "Are you winning now?" Jade nodded, "I should have known," he chuckled, "You're a combination of Mav and Ice. I should have guessed you'd be an amazing pilot. I can't tell you what to do, but, Jade, answer this question, 'What made you want to become a pilot?" 

Jade thought on this as the sun set, "Well, I just felt like that's where I belonged I guess. The feeling of g-forces -" 

Viper interrupted, "is that the true reason?" Viper and Jade then noticed Bradley beginning to walk over, " Think on that question, and I think you'll find out what to do. Also, Admiral Beau makes the final decision on who wins the trophy. If that helps you any." 

Jade stood up, and helped Viper off of the ground, "Thank you Commander." He simply nodded and walked off. Jade then looked at the marble headstone, "Thank you Uncle Ice. Tell Goose Bradley says hi." 

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