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The three walked in a tiny suburban house. "Oh, thinking is for losers," Y/n heard. A screaming came from down the hallway. Y/n and Junior saw the lady from the wake laid on the floor, and another person on top of her with a knife. "Think again," Chucky said.

"She's right, bro. We need her," Chucky told them. "And I'm kind of used to having her around." The lady looked at him. "Sweetface," the lady called out. "Help her up," Chucky instructed. "Yeah, help me up, asshole." The lady got up, chuckling. "Get up," she grabbed ahold of her hand, helping her up. "Fuck you, Chucky." The lady said. Y/n furrowed her brows.

"Thank you, Chucky," she faced Chucky. "Come to Mama, come to Mama!" She held out her hands. He ran to her. "Who's a good little Good Guy?" Chucky giggled. Junior glanced at Y/n. She shrugged, watching the scene play out. "Aww!" She picked him up. Chucky looked at her chest. "Looking good, doll." She giggled. "You're not looking so bad yourself, Sweetface."

She kissed him. "Mwah!" She chuckled. "I can't watch this," Y/n muttered in disgust. "You and me both," Junior agreed. "So where are they?" Chucky asked. "They're right downstairs," the lady said. "Follow me," she walked towards the stairs. "Okey-doke." Junior and Y/n followed them, walking down a basement type room.

"Come into my inner sanctum," she chuckled. "Watch your step. We wouldn't want to have any accidents." Y/n saw Devon duct-taped in a chair. There were loads of Good Guy Chucky dolls. "Chucky, it worked."

"Thanks to my pals here, Y/n and Junior. Proud of them." Y/n and Junior smiled. "Now, they're gonna do their friend," Chucky pointed at Devon. Their smile slowly faded. "That's you," Tiffany told Devon. He furrowed his brows, looking around confused. "You want us to kill Devon?" Junior asked. "Not yet. He could still be useful," Nica said.

"Good thinking," Chucky said. "Are you ready to meet the troops, Chucky?" Tiffany asked. Tiffany walked over to the dolls, setting Chucky down. The four sat on the couch, not too far from the "troops". "Pretty soon, the good guys are gonna come for him, and then, we're gonna party like it's 1999." Nica and Tiffany laughed. "What does that mean?" Junior asked.

"We're gonna fuck 'em up," Chucky confirmed. "Oh," Junior said. "And then, vaya con Dios. Kill 'em all," he told the group. "Any questions?" Chucky looked around. "Um, uh.." A doll raised its' hand. "Is there an age limit? On potential victims?" It asked. "Good question. No babies. We're not savages. And they make better stooges anyway."

"Anyone else?" He asked. A doll raised their hand. "Uh, yeah. Could you define 'baby'? I mean, they can get pretty willy once they start walking," it said. "Well, let's just say nobody under the age of five or six. Fair enough?" Chucky asked the group. Another raised its hand. "What about twins? Those freaks will gang up on you. I mean, two against one? That's not a fair fight," it complained. "Am I right?"Everyone started laughing.

Tiffany came down the stairs with cookies in her hands and glasses of milk. "No cookies for bad little kids," she giggled, setting the cookies and milk on the table. "There you go, Sweetfaces," she smiled at the two. "Thanks," Y/n said. "Don't get me started on Andy Barclay, bro. You should have seen the look on his face when I whacked his babysitter," he said, making Nica laugh.

Y/n bit into her cookie. "Chucky! We did it!" Tiffany ran over to him. "We—" She cut herself off. "Chucky, Chucky, Chucky, Chucky," she tapped him on the shoulder. "In a minute," he told her. "Ah, Jesus Christ, huh?" Nica asked. "So, what's all this been like?" He asked her. "You wouldn't believe the amount of tail I get like this."

"Fuck," they laughed. "Dick, too," Tiffany added. Y/n and Junior snickered. "You know, Chucky, you really need to get over yourself. You are the most self-involved man I have ever met in my entire life!" She said. "Are you talking to me?" Nica asked. "Or me?" Chucky asked. "Well, strictly speaking, neither one of you is a man at all. A real man would know how to treat a lady!"

Chucky and Nica glanced at each other. Nica got up, taking a step towards Tiffany. "But I don't see no lady," she laughed. Tiffany slapped her, making Nica fall. "Oh!" Junior gasped. Y/n quietly giggled to herself. "Oh, no," Nica looked behind her shoulder. "No!" She yelped. "Oh, shit," Chucky said. "Please!" Nica pleaded.

"At least she treats me with a little respect," Tiffany looked at Chucky, then at Nica. "Okay, Tiff, you're right. I'm sorry," Chucky apologized. "And maybe I should just get over myself. And sometimes that takes real sacrifice."

He looked at Nica. "Kill her," he instructed. "No! No! No, no, please! Please!" Nica begged. "I'm sorry?" Tiffany looked at Chucky. "You know what that does to me," he said, laughing. "Chucky, she's a part of you, too!" Tiffany said. "Plenty of me to go around nowadays. There's 72 more of me on that truck," he said. "Now kill the bitch."

Tiffany sobbed. "Okay, Chucky. I'll do it for you. But I don't want to do it," she cried. "Who is it you're afraid of losing, Tiff?" Chucky asked. "Me or her?" He asked. "Please! Please! Please! Please! Please!" Nica begged. "Kids, do it!" Chucky held out two knifes. "I'm sorry, Chucky," Tiffany sobbed. "I'm sorry." Y/n and Junior looked at each other, standing up.

They grabbed the knifes from Chucky. They walked over to Nica, standing above her. "Chucky, I mean, who is she?" Junior asked. "She's your goddamn trophy. Now do her, or I'll do the four of ya!" He exclaimed. As they were about to kill her, Tiffany screamed, lashing on Chucky and slitting his throat.

Blood was splattered on her face as she panted. She laughed. "You fucking hag!" Chucky leaned his head back. "You're upside down," he said. Tiffany laughed. Junior jumped at her with his knife. "Back off, Junior!" She told him, holding her knife out at him. "Who are you gonna trust to get you both out of this shithole town before they find your parent's corpses? Me?" She pointed at herself with her knife before stabbing Chucky again.

"Or that?" She asked. His head fell off, causing her to laugh. Blood gushed out of his head. Tiffany grabbed his head, standing up. "I'm done with you, Chucky! I'm done with your petty shit and your massive ego and your tiny fucking dick!" Chucky gasped. "Tell me something, Sweetface. Did you ever wonder how those cops found you that night in Chicago?"

Y/n arched her brow. "I'm gonna get you for it!" Chucky wiggled his head. Tiffany laughed. "One of me's gonna get you! No matter what!" He yelled. "You'll do no such thing. You need me, Chucky. Besides, it's like my mother always said. If you love somebody, set them free. Well, I'm setting us both free, Chucky."

She looked at him one last time. "Vaya con dios! See you in hell!" She dropped his head, making him groan. "Mic drop," she giggled, wiping her hands. "All right, kids, look alive. Make yourselves useful. I'm gonna make her go nighty-night." She pulled out a needle from her dress.

"No! Tiffany, stop! Please don't! Tiffany, don't!" Nica yelled. Tiffany sticked her in the back of her shoulder. Nica gasped, Tiffany laughing. "So noisy. All right," she put the needle back in her dress. She walked over to Nica. "Here, sweeties. Help me with your auntie, Nica," she handed a rope to Junior. "I have more important things to do.

The two got on the floor to tie up Nica. Y/n looked up to see Tiffany rolling a suitcase. "What's that?" She asked. "Isn't it cute? My darling Glenda gave it to me. They have exquisite taste," she chuckled. They tied her arms and legs up, knotting it. "A little something to welcome Andy Barclay with a bang," she giggled.

Y/n was sat in the backseat of Tiffany's car, Nica too, Junior being in the front. Tiffany opened the door. "All right," she got in, closing the door. She looked at Junior. "You took one?" She asked. "Can I keep him?" He asked, not taking his eyes off the doll. Tiffany sighed. "Okay, you can keep him. But you gotta clean up the mess," she told him.

"Y/n are you situated back there?" Tiffany asked. "Mhm," Y/n responded. "All right." Tiffany pulled out the remote for the bomb, giggling. She clicked the button. She laughed. She started the engine, driving away.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐒, 𝐉. 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now