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Y/n decided to stay home from school, taking a little break. Everything that went on from that week, she felt as if she needed time to think. Although, she is still planning on going to Lexy's party tonight.

Y/n was sat at the kitchen island, eating her lunch with her phone in her other hand. Her mother came in the kitchen. Y/n looked up from her phone, seeing her mother in a business-like outfit. "Hey, dear," her mother said, setting down her purse on the marble counter.

"Hey," Y/n mumbled, taking another bite into her grilled cheese. "I have a business meeting in 20 minutes. I have to go, i'll be home later, okay?" Y/n nodded. Her mom grabbed her Range Rover keys from the key bowl and her purse. After her mom left, Y/n got up and grabbed her plate, setting it in the sink.

Y/n walked down the hallway and up the stairs, seeing Gloria dusting the furniture. "Thanks for the food, Gloria," Y/n gave her smiled. "Of course, darling," Gloria smiled, continuing to dust the furniture.

Y/n went in her father's old office, sitting in his chair. She opened up the drawer in his desk, pulling out his MacBook Pro. She opened the computer, typing in the password. Y/n wanted to know more about Jake's doll Chucky since she swore she's heard of the name before.

"Hm," Y/n hummed to herself. She clicked the browser, typing in 'chucky doll'. Prices of the doll began to pull up. "$1,500?" Y/n gasped. "There's no way he paid that much." She clicked on the doll, and clicked on the star ratings. "1 star?" Y/n scoffed to herself.

She leaned back in the chair, clicking on the reviews. "STAY AWAY from the doll" "Whatever you do, DO NOT GET THIS DOLL!!". Y/n could scroll for hours,
but she chose to exit out of the page. Y/n's phone buzzed in her pocket. Y/n pulled it out, seeing a text message from Junior.

From junjun💕

Y/n smiled at her phone, immediately texting back.

Y/n sends
hi hi

Y/n put her phone back in her pocket, closing the MacBook. She closed the drawer, and got up from the chair, closing the door. She walked in her room, crashing on her bed.

From junjun💕
want to call??????

Y/n sends

Junior immediately facetimed her. "Hi!" He said, dragging the i. "Hey," Y/n smiled. "I just got home. Want to come over? We can walk to Lexy's together?" He asked. "Yeah, sure. I'll be there in 15 minutes," Y/n said. "Okay, cya," they hung up.

Y/n put on a casual outfit. A beige knit-sweater with some light wash mom jeans. She spritzed on her perfume and grabbed her black Prada purse and walked out of the room. She saw Gloria doing dishes in the kitchen. "Gloria, I'm heading out. I'll be home later," Y/n told her.

"Okay, be safe!" Y/n walked out of the house and began to to walk to Junior's house.

Y/n finally made it to Junior's house and knocked on the door. Bree opened the door. She smiled, seeing Y/n at the door. "Hi, dear!" Bree hugged her. "Hey," Y/n returned the smile. "How are you? Come in," she said, opening the door, closing it after Y/n entered.

"I'm good, how are you?" Y/n asked. "I'm great, thank you for asking. Junior's upstairs," Bree looked up. "Okay, thank you," Y/n gave her one last smile, going up the stairs. She walked down the hallway and was met with Junior's door. For privacy, she knocked on the door.

"Come in!" She heard from inside. She opened the door, and saw Junior on his bed, tying his shoe laces. "Hi," Y/n smiled. "Hey," he smiled back. "Almost ready," he said, looking back down at his shoes. "Take your time," Y/n said. She sat beside him on his bed, giving him a side hug and a kiss on the cheek.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐒, 𝐉. 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now