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"Have you found what you're going to wear to the talent show yet?" Lexy asked through the phone as Y/n picked out her outfit for school.

"I think so," Y/n responded. "It has to be bling since we're hosting tonight. And Devon obviously."

"Right," Y/n laid out her outfit on her bed. A beige knit blouse and light washed wide leg jeans laid on her bed. "What shoes should I wear with this?" Y/n grabbed her phone, flipping the camera towards her outfit.

"Cute outfit. You should definitely wear you're white Hermes sandals with that," she said. "I was thinking that, too!"

Y/n walked into her master closet, scanning her shoe collection. "Ah, here it is," Y/n reached on her tippy toes, and grabbed her sandals. She turned off her light, closed her door, and walked back in her room.

"Y/n! We're leaving in 15 minutes!" She heard her mom yell from downstairs. Y/n sighed and picked up her phone. "Hey, I got to go. See you at school?"

"Alright. Bye!" Y/n hung up her phone and got dressed for school. She grabbed her backpack and put her YSL grey cardholder with $50 cash. She zipped up her backpack and swung it over here shoulder.

She walked out of her room and downstairs. She walked down the hallway that led to her kitchen. She saw her housekeeper, Gloria. "Morning, Y/n," Gloria smiled at her as she set pancakes and a glass of milk on her kitchen island. "Hi, Gloria," she sat on the stool.

"You're mom told me to go to the car when you're finished," Gloria said, wiping down the white marble countertops with a wipe. "Okay," Y/n nodded as she ate her pancakes. Y/n wiped her mouth with her napkin after finishing. She grabbed her stuff and walked out of the kitchen. "Thanks for the food, Gloria!" Y/n yelled. "Uh huh!" She heard from the living room.

She walked out the front door, and saw her mom in her all black Range Rover. Y/n opened the passenger door and got in, closing the door. "You haven't used the Range Rover in a while," Y/n said, buckling up. "Yeah. I always feel like I use my G Wagon too much," her mom chuckled.

Her mom drove out the long driveway and reached the gate, entering the code. The gate opened, and she drove out, driving towards the school. "How'd you sleep?" Her mom asked from beside her. "Pretty good."

"How was the dinner?" Y/n looked out the window. "It was okay," she replied. Her mom nodded, putting her Chanel sunglasses on. "I got a new jewelry set for my jewelry business. It's stunning," she smiled. "That's nice, mom."

"Yeah," her mom said. Her mother pulled into the school car line. As they got closer to the school doors, Y/n unbuckled and grabbed her stuff. "Bye, mom. Love you!" She opened the car door. "Bye, sweetheart!" Y/n closed the door and saw Junior waiting for her at the front. "Hey!" She said, walking over to him.

"Hey," he kissed her on her cheek. The bell rang just in time, students starting to walk in school. They immediately held hands, walking in. "I can't wait to host the talent show," Y/n told him as they walked towards their lockers. "And I can't wait to see you host," he smiled at her. Y/n smiled back. They got to their lockers, packing up their books in their backpacks.

"Do you think you can introduce me to your cousin?" Y/n heard from beside, a boy talking to Jake. Jake sighed. "Junior?" Y/n giggled. "Yeah," the boy answered. Y/n closed her locker. "I get that a lot," Junior told the boy. "I'm flattered, really, but, um it's not my thing," he swung his arm over Y/n's shoulder, kissing her.

Y/n laughed at the boy as Lexy walked over to them. "Oh, sorry, I didn't know," the boy said embarrassingly. "Yeah, since cotillion," Y/n said. "Don't you follow my insta?" Y/n arched a brow at him. Looking down, the boy walked away from the four. "Your bed buddy, Jake? What's his name?" Junior asked, intertwining his hand with Y/n's.

"What's your name?" Jake asked his doll. "Hi, I'm Chucky. Wanna play?" It spoke. "Oh, my God, that's adorable," Lexy said. She pulled out her phone from her purse, holding it up. "Say 'Cheese'," she smiled at the camera. "Chucky Cheese," Jake held up his doll, also smiling. "You're not testing him apart. I hope," Lexy looked down at her phone, putting it up.

"Anything for art, right?" Jake looked at them. "No, you can't!" Lexy pleaded. "Well, actually, I'm gonna sell him." Y/n shared a glance with Lexy, the two looking back at him. "Oh, you're selling your stuff now, Jake?" Y/n asked. "I didn't realize it'd gotten that bad," Lexy said. "No-"

"I mean, do you need to borrow any money?" Lexy asked. "No," Jake shook his head. "Hold on, I got some cash," Y/n reached into her backpack, pulling out her YSL cardholder. She pulled out a $30, handing it to Jake. "No, I don't need your money," Jake spat at Y/n. "Fine then," Y/n mumbled, putting her money back.

"Seriously, it's no problem," Lexy told him. "I'm fine," Jake told them. "Being financially disadvantaged is nothing to be ashamed of, Jake," she said. "Right?" She asked a girl who walked past them. Y/n giggled. "I'm not," he snapped. The bell rang. "Well, see you later," Lexy smiled at him.

"Yeah, see you in class," he rolled his eyes at them. The three walked towards their class. "I just had the most amazing idea," Lexy told Y/n. "Maybe you should give the guy a break," Junior told Lexy. "Don't go soft on us, Junior." Y/n shrugged as they walked into their science class.

Y/n sat at the table her and Junior sat at, setting her backpack beside her stool. "E.B White said that explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog," Miss Fairchild explained to the class. Y/n groaned. "Ugh, I forgot we had to dissect frogs today," Y/n whispered to Junior, scoffing. Junior shook his head, laughing at the helplessly girl.

Y/n grabbed the scalpel, going down the center of the frog's abdomen. Y/n shuddered as blood started to leave the frog. "Gross," she said, throwing the scalpel on the tray. "No, I just...I can't stand the sight of blood," Y/n heard Jake from across the room. "Pussy," Oliver said. "Olive mind your fucking business," Miss Fairchild snapped at him. "Oohs!" We're heard from the class as Miss Fairchild continued to help Jake.

Junior snickered, working back on his frog. Dings we're heard around the classroom. Y/n pulled out her phone from her jean pocket, looking at the notification. Y/n looked behind her, her and Lexy giggling. "What is going on?" Their teacher asked them. Oliver stood up with his phone.

"Lexy's new GoFundMe," he showed Miss Fairchild. "Oliver, let me see that," Miss Fairchild walked up to him, taking his phone. "Here you go, Wheeler," Oliver flicked a coin to him. "Don't spend it all in one place," he smirked. The bell ringed. "Hey, for homework tonight, read chapter 12 of your Zoology book," Miss Fairchild reminded the class.

"We do have a quiz tomorrow!" Y/n gathered her stuff and swinging her backpack on her shoulder. Junior and her walked towards the door. "Any plans tonight?" Junior asked Y/n as they walked towards their usual lunch table. "Yes, actually," Y/n responded as they sat down.

"I have to practice the talent show with Lexy and Devon, why?" She looked at him as she unzipped her lunchbox, pulling out the lunch her chef made her. "I just wanted to hang out with you tonight at my house. Watch a movie or something," he shrugged.

"Oh, well we can do that too! Maybe tomorrow after the talent show? You can stay the night at my house or I can stay at yours?" she suggested. "Yeah, that sounds better," he smiled as he opened his lunchbox, taking out his food. "Are you going to Oliver's party?" She asked.

"You know it," he responded. "What are you dressing up as?" He asked her. "Nothing. I have no ideas so I'm just going normal, you?" Y/n asked, taking a sip of her Sprite. "I don't know either," he laughed.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐒, 𝐉. 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now