Chapter 9

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It was Thursday night and I get in my car riding off to McDonalds...5367 Asher lane, I see the golden shiny M glowing, seeing the lights from inside glint through the glass doors casting shadows across the ground, the moonlight glistens on my car hood. I walk in seeing a Elijah smile. "Aye, Guess what?" Elijah asks, and walking towards me. "what" I ask tiredly. "The Mac Tonight animatronic was stolen last night, haven't you heard?" Elijah asks, my eyes dart over to where Mac Tonight should be, all that's left is his smooth Black piano, a lion robot was sitting there instead. 

"Too bad Cindy got fired, she said that he walked out, but we all know that they are not program to leave this building, or there battery will shut off" Elijah says. I gulp, I saw Mac Tonight last night, his battery wasn't shut off. "Well, anyways, I won't keep you to long, we got a new animatronic today to replace Mac Tonight, his name is Roary the lion" Elijah states. The animatronic lion had black sunglasses on with a latex mask and red beanie hat and a black coat. The lion then started talking. 

"Alright, I'm Roary, and I'm your host here at McDonalds. It's so great seeing all my friends having fun and enjoying great food. It gives me a warm furry feeling, just like these great summer time hits." He states, then he starts singing and moving his shoulders as he was fake playing Mac's old piano.

" He states, then he starts singing and moving his shoulders as he was fake playing Mac's old piano

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"A well a everybody's heard about the bird.

B-b-b bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word.

A well a bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word. 

A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word

A well a bird, bird, b-bird's the word"

Annoying was an understatement. The animatronic then screeched and shut off. "Yeah, his audio doesn't work that good, but it will be okay as a replacement" Elijah says. I nod, I almost missed Mac Tonight, as creepy as he may be, his voice was a lot smoother and silky. "Well, I gotta go, Catch ya later" Elijah says, walking out I nod. I check my phone. 12:02pm.

I'm late, I got to go. I run past Roary, His posture remains frozen, as I run past him. I head to my office, past Grimace. "I want foOOD" Grimace whines, hitting the kitchen's refrigerator. I chuckle. "Mama! You came back! He's been looking EveRywhere for YoU" Grimace says. I nod, petting his head lightly. Grimace has grown on me, he's such a small cute robot. 

"Who's been looking for me?" I ask. "The BooSS, DuH" Grimace says, waddling off. I open the red door. I sit down at the desk. I turn on the computer and see the security feed and cameras. I then hear the phone ring. 

"Hey, You might have noticed that Mac Tonight is gone. Yeah, we'll apparently someone stole him last night around 1 am, don't worry the worker who was lazy while it happened is now fired, due to the safety of the restaurant. We got a new animatronic today, his name is Roary, so it will take a while to get used it. Roary was actually re-loacted to this location from Plainview New York. The store is still open till this day, I think it's on 818 Old Country Rd...Any who, Goodnight" Chris then hangs up.

When the Clock Strikes (Mac Tonight X Reader) {COMPLETED}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ