Chapter Five | What happened after Snow White sat in the bath, feeling happy?

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you." I whispered, he shook his head and engulfs me into a hug.

His hands stroke my brown hair before kissing my forehead.

If only he wasn't gay, then I would have jumped his bones, but I got a stern eye form Greg which did nothing but make me laugh.

"Thank you, I really am sorry. I should get going, Lauren is closing up." They nod their head and I walk out of the florist. The streets are the most private of public spaces, much the same as walking in a country lane in some rural place.

These streetlamps that light the way in every night-time are ours, as brilliant as any landing strip for skyborne pilots.

My stomach growls with hunger, I reach Lorenzo's workplace.

The moment I pushed the door open, I was bombarded by gasps from Lorenzo and Mia, they were a happily married couple.

Old as well, Lorenzo had black hair and a weird, shaped beard, his eyes were piercing blue. Mia on the other hand was a red headed old woman, her eyes were brown, and she was chubby the same as Lorenzo.

"Quella è Bella?" Lorenzo whispered as he slowly creeped up to me, I couldn't stop the smile that grazed my face as he stops in front of me.

[Is that Bella?]

"Bella è qui! Mia, come quick! Our Bella has finally decided to visit us." Lorenzo said, Mia gets out the kitchen and screams in happiness as she embraces me into a tight hug. Lorenzo also squeezes me to absolute death.

[Bella is here!]

"Mi dispiace tanto di non aver visitato prima, ero così occupato-"

[I'm so sorry for not visiting sooner, I was just so busy-]

"Nonsense Bella, we understand." Lorenzo whispers, his hands rubbing against my arms.

"Thank you, Enzo, thank you Mia, you can help me with one thing. I am starving." I said, Mia gasps and pulls me to a table as she sits me down.

"Well then, allow us to feed you. Lorenzo, get our child some food now!"

"On it beautiful!" Lorenzo screams as he rushes to the kitchen, Mia sits in front of me and grabs both my hands as she screeches with joy. "So, tell me everything. Men? Life? How is Lauren?"

"Everything is fine, no men in my life and Lauren is finally dating."

"It's about time, that woman needs to get married. I need to have a wedding." I let out a soft laugh, shaking my head as she picks her teeth with the toothpick.

"She is only twenty-one Mia,"

"So, I got married when I was sixteen. Forty years of marriage with that man. I don't know how I did it."

"Excuse me, is living with me such a bad thing!" Lorenzo shouted from the kitchen.

"Maybe if you would pick up your dirty socks from the toilet then I wouldn't be thinking about a damn divorce."

"You are thinking about a divorce!"

"Of course, I am, the number of men I see every day with muscles and what do I get! Flabs." Mia shouted.

"My flabs are amazing, aren't they Bella?"

"Of course, they are." I laughed out.

"See, someone agrees."

"Well maybe if you lost a little weight and stopped eating pizzas-"

"Oh, you can talk!"

"Are you calling me fat Lorenzo Garcia!?" Lorenzo rushes out of the kitchen with dough in his hand as he moulds it together, Mia rolls her eyes pointing to him as she stares at me. I couldn't stop the laughs coming out of my mouth.

"You called me fat! In reality I know you love this belly of mine."

"This man is in love with himself too much."

"Because I am a beautiful specimen."

"Speak for yourself."

The thing I love the most about Mia and Lorenzo relationship was that they were carefree, they never cared about what anything or anybody thought of them. They were real to each other and could make as many jokes as they wanted without one another getting offended.

Mia and Lorenzo can never go one day without a silly fight, but they will always make up with a small kiss. As they did now. "Bella, come up and help me please." I nodded my head and slipped off my jacket as I handed it to Mia. I was wearing a tight t-shirt and blue jeans; I looked like a waiter.

"Can you just pick up the dirty plates on each table please, I sent the waiters home early because I didn't think it was about to get packed."

"Of course, Enzo, I can work if you want me too today."

"Really? That would mean so much to me, look at how crowded it is getting." I smile and kiss his cheeks as I grabbed myself an apron from the hanger and tying it around my waist.

I walk towards the door; a long queue was held, and I immediately turned into my waiting mode. "Hi, welcome to Lorenzo's Kitchen, how many?"

"Just four please."

"Follow me." The customers nod their head and smile as they follow after me, I grab some of their menus and place it onto the table. "Call me when you are ready to order." They thank me as I continue on seating everyone down.

I rush to the kitchen and bring table for their orders.

I used to work here with Mia sometimes, so I'm used to everything. Nothing has changed a bit since the last couple of years. Everything is still the exact same, I smile as small memories pop into my mind, Mia and I used to sneak into the kitchen and steal some quesadillas.

"I told you; I don't like these sorts of places."

"Trust me their pizzas are amazing!"

"Welcome to Lorenzo's Kitchen, how many?"

The moment I look up, I locked eyes with a pair of hazel ones. He had eyes of the sea and wet pebbles. The centre was all pebble, soft reflective browns, spreading out to waves of sea blues and greens under an overcast sky.

The outer edge was rimmed in deep ocean blue, but the overall effect was of hazel eyes, the brown elements being more dominant since they complimented his hair and the freckles that lay over the bridge of his nose.

Nicholas Hernandez.

Nicholas Hernandez

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